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Feb 06 2021

Climate Bureaucrat Wants to Break Our Will

The insanity has reached the point that Massachusetts has an Undersecretary for Climate Change. His name is David Ismay. He says he wants to break our will.

Barks Ismay:

“Sixty percent of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles.”

Clearly residential heating and passenger vehicles are frivolous luxuries that we little people will have to dispense with so that our bureaucratic overlords can pretend to adjust the climate.

Who needs residential heating? It doesn’t get that cold in Massachusetts anyway. At least, not in July.

Ismay continues:

“Let me say that again: 60 percent of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you, the person (inaudible) the street, the senior on fixed income. There is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, turn the screws on, and break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you, we have to break your will.”

Ismay really gets what the global warming hoax is all about. He is underappreciated under his state’s Republican Governor Charlie Baker, who rebuked him for the remark. If carbon-spewing Federal Climate Czar John Kerry ever perishes from excessive Botox leaking into his brain, Ismay may have an opportunity to serve in the Biden Administration.

Paul Diego Craney of Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance also gets what the hoax is all about:

“The weapon he intends to use to ‘turn the screws’ on them is the new climate legislation and administrative tax increases like the Transportation and Climate Initiative, which seek to drive up costs in order to ‘break their will’ and force decreases in consumption,” [said Craney], calling Ismay’s mentality “frightening” and demanding he be dismissed as he “does not have the best interests of the residents of Massachusetts at heart.”

If you like David Craney’s mentality, you will love what Biden, Kerry, et al. have in store for the whole country.

On a tip from JD.


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