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Apr 09 2024

Democrat War on Freelancers Continues

Now that Biden has raised the cost of living by driving up inflation through gargantuan wasteful spending, freelance work is more crucial than ever, as it allows people to earn extra money to make ends meet. Many rely entirely on freelance work for their income. Some professions might not exist if they could not be pursued on an independent basis. Yet the Biden Regime moves forward with its objective of making freelance work illegal:

It isn’t only about sucking up to cancerous Big Unions in exchange for political donations. The ideological aspect is suggested in the word “freelance.” “Free” can mean two very different things. If it means someone else pays for it, Democrats are in favor. If it means people can interact with each other independently, Democrats are rigidly opposed.

In California, the war on freelancers might conceivably be ascribed to liberal foolishness and paternalism rather than sheer malice. This does not apply at the national level, now that California has presented us with the inevitable consequences. Biden et al. know full well what they are doing to us.

Alarmingly, the arrogance of potentially throwing millions out of work right before an election suggests that Democrats believe the result of the election is virtually assured.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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4 Responses to “Democrat War on Freelancers Continues”

  1. […] on behalf of unions that his regime aspires to throw millions of Americans out of work by making freelance work illegal in the erstwhile Land of the Free. As with the civil rights movement, any good unions accomplished […]

  2. […] on behalf of unions that his regime aspires to throw millions of Americans out of work by making freelance work illegal in the erstwhile Land of the Free. As with the civil rights movement, any good unions accomplished […]


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