Dr Seuss Sentenced to Cancelation
To achieve political perfection, everything that came before now must be erased. That means our entire culture. All of it is racist, even the anodyne Dr Seuss books we grew up on.
It was 2 years ago that Learning for Justice declared Dr Seuss to be politically unclean:
Until recently, Read Across America Day was—in everything but title—National Dr. Seuss Day. It’s even celebrated on March 2, his birthday.
Social engineers have discovered that this is yet another example of our shameful systemic racism. Now the National Education Association focuses on “Celebrating a Nation of Diverse Readers.” Diversity means eradicating anything not in full compliance with up-to-the-minute leftist dogma. This spells curtains for Dr Seuss.
Researchers Katie Ishizuka and Ramón Stephens examined 50 children’s books and 2,200 characters created over Theodore Seuss Geisel’s nearly 70-year career “to evaluate the claims that his children’s books are anti-racist.”
Naturally, the “researchers” found racism. If academics couldn’t find it wherever they look, they might be forced to find real jobs. Of the 2,240 human characters in Dr Seuss books, an insufficient percentage were non-Caucasians, and these were not depicted in strict accordance with today’s ideological requirements. Imagine having nothing better to do than count the characters in children’s book to see if they comply with current diversity quotas.
Even “The Sneetches” is racist, because it is antiracist. It makes the point that people should be seen as individuals rather than as faceless representatives of warring tribes. This is antiracist to a normal person, but racist to the woke social engineers who have redefined racist to mean not racist, and vice versa.
Presenting the politically correct way to read about Sneetches:
The solution to the story’s conflict is that the Plain-Belly Sneetches and Star-Bellied Sneetches simply get confused as to who is oppressed. As a result, they accept one another. This message of “acceptance” does not acknowledge structural power imbalances. It doesn’t address the idea that historical narratives impact present-day power structures. And instead of encouraging young readers to recognize and take action against injustice, the story promotes a race-neutral approach.
This pernicious lunacy is completely on the level. This is what they are teaching in colleges these days. The author, Gabriel Smith, is described in his bio as “a program associate with Teaching Tolerance.” By tolerance, they are presumably referring to Herbert Marcuse’s repressive tolerance — i.e., intolerance.
Now that progressives have destroyed the concept of tolerance by redefining it to mean intolerance, they can dispense with it altogether. That could be why Teaching Tolerance changed its name to the more vindictive Learning for Justice. As Rod Dreher notes:
It is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and has some influential partners.
Speaking of the hate group SPLC, it…
…recently decided as a formal matter not to care so much about black race hatred, saying it’s kind of justified. So now we have Good Race Hatred (that is, when propagated by black people) and Bad Race Hatred (when propagated by non-black people).
According to the enlightened ideology of our liberal ruling class, it is racist to disapprove of racism against whites, who are bad because they are all racist by dint of their race.
Smith’s denunciation of Dr Seuss has been getting traction as the cancel culture searches out new witches to burn. Explicitly in the name of inclusion, Dr Seuss has been excluded altogether from Read Across America Day in Loudon County, Virginia public schools.
On tips from ABC of the ANC and Varla.
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[…] speech that only recently no one would have dreamed was offensive. Even Dr Seuss has been canceled as a thought criminal; consequently, his books are going into the […]
[…] have moved beyond all things Southern and have started erasing Americana as anodyne as the works of Dr Seuss. Consequently, Dr Seuss books that have been canceled for being ideologically problematic are […]
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[…] of backing off, the liberal establishment is doubling down on its absurd but alarming cancelation of Dr Seuss books as politically incorrect. Old copies of the six titles that were banned by his […]