Flying Restrictions Tight for Us, Loose for Illegal Aliens
The Democrat system of government is anarchotyranny. Even as Big Government steadily tightens its grip like a python, squeezing the life out of us, the lawless underclass that it uses open borders and the welfare state to cultivate has ever more license to do as it pleases.
Traveling by air offers a preview of what life will be like as authoritarianism worsens. For example,
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is shortening the testing window all international air travelers have to take a pre-departure coronavirus test from three days to one.
This applies even to the vaccinated.
U.S. airlines have been asked to collect contact-tracing information for inbound international travelers and send it to the CDC “upon request” since Nov. 8, when the country adopted a new set of international travel restrictions.
The information collected includes names, addresses, phone numbers, emails and dates of birth.
Welcome to East Germany. Bad as it is, Democrats want to make it worse:
[T]hree dozen lawmakers are pushing the federal government to require proof of full vaccination or a negative coronavirus test to board domestic flights.
Lawmakers said the additional travel restrictions would “ensure Americans can travel safely to see their loved ones during the holidays while also limiting household introduction and spread of COVID-19 from visiting family and friends,” according to a letter sent to President Joe Biden.
The signees include authoritarian moonbats like Dianne Feinstein, Eric Swalwell, Steve Cohen, and Jerrold Nadler.
As restrictions on the law-abiding tighten, the illegal aliens imported to displace us don’t even have to present ID.
Instead of being ejected from the country, illegal aliens usually receive a Notice to Appear in immigration court at some point in the distant future. These are routinely ignored. At last, a use has been found for Notices to Appear. The TSA allows illegal aliens to use them in lieu of identification.
Never mind Covid and other serious diseases; consider what this means for the risk of terrorism. Plenty of the Other Than Mexicans pouring over the Mexican border are from Islamic countries.
Rep Lance Gooden (R-TX) is aghast:
“When I asked a border patrol officer about TSA allowing migrants to fly with no identification, they told me a Notice to Appear is not sufficient identification and they often have to take migrants at their word that they are who they say they are,” Gooden said. “TSA and non-profit groups are putting millions of Americans travelling for Christmas at risk by allowing these unknown and unvetted migrants to board planes and fly across the country.”
Democrats say it is oppression if you have to show ID to vote. Why wouldn’t it be oppression to be asked for ID to be dispersed throughout the country for demographic engineering purposes? Naturally, oppression applies only to the “oppressed” — i.e., groups favored by our liberal rulers.
On a tip from R F.
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[…] even forbidding the unvaccinated from air travel as his fellow liberals have advocated is sufficiently tyrannical for David […]