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Jul 06 2023

From Central Park 5 to New York City Council

Being a left-wing black woman is all the qualification needed to become a Supreme Court Justice or Vice President of the United States. But left-wing blacks who are not women need to bring something else to the table to be granted control of levers of power — like having been convicted of raping a white woman and beating her into a coma.

Yusef Salaam has won a Democrat primary in single-party New York for a seat on the City Council, meaning he has won.

This is rich:

“When I think about the things that we need the most, of course on the top of everyone’s list are affordable housing, education and safe streets,” Salaam told the AP.

Safe streets would be nice. Safe parks too.

Because his conviction was eventually overturned after Matias Reyes confessed to raping and nearly killing investment banker Trisha Meili in Central Park, the media deifies Salaam as an example of a black oppressed by racism. He and the rest of his wolf pack were rewarded for their oppression with $41 million of taxpayer money. However, it is unlikely that they did not participate in the horrific crime. As former sex crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein notes,

Salaam took the stand at his trial… and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this. He admitted being the man whose DNA had been left in the jogger’s body and on her clothing, but the two juries that heard those facts knew the main assailant in the rape had not been caught. The five were charged as accomplices, as persons “acting in concert” with each other and with the then-unknown man who raped the jogger, not as those who actually performed the act. In their original confessions—later recanted—they admitted to grabbing her breasts and legs, and two of them admitted to climbing on top of her and simulating intercourse. Semen was found on the inside of their clothing, corroborating those confessions.

Salaam has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama. With such a sterling résumé, he likely has ambitions beyond the New York City Council.

On a tip from seaoh.


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