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Aug 23 2022

Global Warming Hoaxer Steven Spielberg’s Hypocrisy

The fossil fuels that allow us to sustain the current population make it be too warm out, according to liberal doctrine. Zillionaire Tinseltowner Steven Spielberg says he is “terrified” of those who “go blithely through life” without worrying about their imaginary impact on the climate. Meanwhile:

Spielberg’s plane, a Gulfstream G650, has burned at least $116,159 worth of jet fuel over the course of 16 trips spanning nearly 17,000 miles since June 23, according to flight tracking data from ADS-B Exchange and compiled by the database Celebrity Jets. The figures are likely an underestimate since the database didn’t calculate fuel and distance metrics of at least three trips made by Spielberg’s jet.

If only the hypocrisy of our moonbat ruling class could be converted into energy, we would not need to offend them by burning fossil fuels.

Spielberg’s jet has emitted at least 179 tons of carbon dioxide over the last two months.

Imagine the fossil fuels required to keep his mansion at the perfect temperature.

No worries; Spielberg makes up for it by shoveling $millions at Democrats, who impose policies that drive up the cost of air travel and drive down the standard of living, making members of the deplorable middle class ever less able to afford flying coach and heating their homes. That makes Spielberg carbon neutral. If he had a chest, he would be entitled to puff it out in self-righteousness.

Fortunately, Spielberg’s massive carbon emissions will have no more effect on the planet than anyone else’s. “Global warming is a scientific reality. It’s not a political trick. It’s a true piece of real, measurable, quantifiable science,” bleats Spielberg. His lifestyle proves that even he knows this isn’t true.

Other posturing Hollyweirdos match his hypocrisy:

Leonardo DiCaprio went on multiple fossil fuel-powered trips over the last several years while pushing for extreme measures to combat climate change.

In 2016, DiCaprio reportedly flew 8,000 miles via private jet from Europe to New York City to accept an award for his environmental activism. He then returned to Europe for a charity event.

That same year, DiCaprio took a private jet to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. At the summit, the WEF gave DiCaprio its Crystal Award for his “leadership in tackling the climate crisis.”

As noted at Not the Bee,

Perhaps we should stop listening to celebrities who get rich off playacting.

Spielberg preaches that “everybody has to be held responsible” for their personal role in the fictional climate change crisis. It would be more constructive to hold people responsible for elevating jackasses to positions of public prominence.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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One Response to “Global Warming Hoaxer Steven Spielberg’s Hypocrisy”

  1. […] Global Warming Hoaxer Steven Spielberg’s Hypocrisy The fossil fuels that allow us to sustain the current population make it be too warm out, according to liberal doctrine. Zillionaire Tinseltowner Steven Spielberg says he is “terrified” of those who “go blithely through life” without worrying about their imaginary impact on the climate. […]


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