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Jul 31 2022

Globalists Attack Farming in Name of Climate

With leftists, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always power. When the Liberal World Order proclaims that it must seize control of the food supply in name of the green ideology, we are headed for a Holodomor level of tyranny.

Sri Lanka pushed back hard enough to overthrow its government. Resistance in Holland continues. But the globalist Left has absolute power nearly in its grasp. It is not going to let up now.

Canada and now Ireland are following closely behind Dutch globalist Mark Rutte:

Farmers in Ireland may soon be forced to make potentially damaging changes to their businesses as climate alarmist ministers within Ireland’s government look set to cut the sector’s emissions by around 28 per cent.

Unlike carbon emissions, such cuts are not harmless. Many cattle will need to be slaughtered, never to be replaced; a high percentage of farmers will be put out of business.

Only a mental defective would believe this will improve the weather. The purpose is to make us hungry, because the hungrier we are, the more powerful our rulers will be when they control the food — which for us little people is likely to consist largely of insects.

John Daniel Davidson shines a light on where the enviroleftist attack on farming is heading:

Private farms and independent farmers will be a thing of the past, supplanted by global bodies making decisions about how much and what kinds of food are produced. The private sector and the independent farmers will have no place in the future that the UN and the WEF are planning.

That’s why they are pushing back in Holland, the world’s second largest food exporter. Pray that it is enough — and that there is as much pushback when Democrats inflict similar policies on the USA. The insolently named Inflation Reduction Act spending blowout — which is the largest climate bill in this country yet — is an indication that we are nearly there:

The bill is a tax-and-spend cornucopia of some $369 billion for wind, solar, geothermal, battery, and other industries over the next decade, along with generous subsidies for electric vehicles…

Senate Democrats say the bill will allow the U.S. to cut greenhouse emissions by 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 — matching up nicely with the UN’s “Agenda 2030.”

Understand that the Senate bill isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. Climate activists and ideologues are working at the highest levels to transform not just the global food supply, but the nature of private property and property rights, all in the name of saving the planet. What Rutte and his government are doing to Dutch farmers, Schumer and Biden are planning to do to American farmers and American industries.

We are running out of time to fight them with full bellies. Step #1 is to acknowledge that the global warming hoax is a malevolent lie, the purpose of which is to destroy our standard of living and enslave us.

On tips from Blackjack and ABC of the ANC.


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One Response to “Globalists Attack Farming in Name of Climate”

  1. […] the pushback, the uglier this is going to get. Ugliest of all would be no pushback. That would mean farms shut down and economies deliberately destroyed so that the Liberal World Order can achieve absolute power in […]


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