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Jan 02 2021

Government Flushes Our Money Down Smart Toilet

How better to flush away our money than with a smart toilet? Yet Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Washington’s lonely voice of fiscal sanity, is not pleased:

Paul brought to light a $6.9 million provision for a “smart toilet” that was part of his annual federal government waste report that tabulated $54.7 billion in government waste in the past year.

Stanford University researchers used $6,973,057 in funds from the National Cancer Institute to build a toilet that contains three cameras, including one that can identify the user’s “analprint,” according to the Festivus Report 2020.

If that strikes you as a wise use of the wealth we create, you will love what Pete Buttigieg does with the Department of Transportation.

The concept of an anal print was conceived of by surrealist painter Salvador Dali, who according to Stanford research scientist Seung-min Park discovered that “the anus has 35 or 37 creases, which are as unique as fingerprints.” It is unknown how many anuses he inspected before reaching this conclusion.

They say life imitates art. Where government spending is concerned, it imitates surreal art.

On a tip from R F.


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2 Responses to “Government Flushes Our Money Down Smart Toilet”

  1. […] Moonbattery notes govt wasting money on a smart toilet […]

  2. […]  Festivus Report 2020 Government Flushes Our Money Down Smart Toilet […]


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