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Jul 27 2024

Harley-Davidson Succumbs to Moonbattery

You might think the one institution masculine and American enough to resist the Long March would be Harley-Davidson. Yet Robby Starbuck describes how the iconic company has thrown wokeness into overdrive:

If any brand could be more out of touch with its customers than Bud Light, it would be Harley-Davidson under the control of German moonbat Jochen Zeitz, who plans to destroy the product by making all vehicles electric by 2030.

From the New York Post:

Starbuck, a former GOP candidate for a congressional seat in Tennessee, organized an online campaign that forced John Deere and Tractor Supply to walk back [their] DEI initiatives, including eliminating Pride parades and festivals.

May Starbuck’s record of success continue.

On a tip from Steve T.


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4 Responses to “Harley-Davidson Succumbs to Moonbattery”

  1. […] just recently, the Harley-Davidson brand was iconic. Then the company went woke, discarding its healthy masculine image in favor of LGBT-oriented degeneracy. Now it reaps its […]

  2. […] just recently, the Harley-Davidson brand was iconic. Then the company went woke, discarding its healthy masculine image in favor of LGBT-oriented degeneracy. Now it reaps its […]


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