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May 20 2022

How Robert Downey Jr Is Saving World

We face serious crises, but fortunately, our betters in Hollyweird are Good People, and they deign to save our world. Robert Downey Jr does his part by investing in moonbat pseudofood:

Downey Jr. just announced that he is investing in Motif Foodworks – a food tech company working to improve sustainability in the food system.

The “sustainable food system” being created will be “inclusive,” whatever that may mean in this context.

Motif Foodworks developed a heme-binding myoglobin protein called HEMAMI. The company’s proprietary method expertly replicates the texture, aroma, and taste of traditional animal meat using exclusively plant-based ingredients.

Bill Gates would approve.

“If plant-based foods are going to make a real impact on sustainability, we need an approach that’s both delicious and nutritious,” Downey Jr. said in a statement.

He ought to showcase his acting skills by eating some of the lab-grown slime they want us to live off and pretending to like it.

Downey has also invested in a company that fabricates synthetic cheese using soybeans, and another that manufactures an abomination it markets as vegan bacon that is made out of mushrooms — that is, fungus.

Moonbats push artificial food because according to their ideology, meat makes it be too warm outside. So do cars. No worries; Downey has that covered too:

Discovery+ announced the Robert Downey Jr. series under the working title Downey’s Dream Cars on Wednesday.

The show will feature him having his collection of classic cars remade into something less environmentally offensive.

“My goal is to showcase that it’s possible to keep the integrity of classic cars while leveraging new tech and innovation to make them more eco-friendly,” Downey said in a statement.

Just like it’s possible to make bacon out of fungus and keep the integrity of food.

What have you done to save the planet today?

On tips from Wiggins.


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