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Jul 14 2023

Ilham Omar Calls for Muslim-LGBT Solidarity

Since Ilhan Omar likes Islam so much that she trivialized the terror atrocities of September 11, why did she come to the USA instead of an Islamic theocracy like Iran? Because in Iran, instead of being a powerful member of the nomenklatura, she would likely find herself dangling from a construction crane along with the sexual eccentrics she promotes:

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota wants American Muslims to practice “solidarity” with homosexuals and gender-confused people…

Omar (one of four female minority Democrats in Congress collectively known as “the Squad” for their leftist solidarity) suggested that, because Muslims and people who identify as LGBT are both supposedly “marginalized communit[ies]” in the United States, the former should not “punch down” against the latter.

Considering that LGBT militants sit atop the power structure, it would be impossible for anyone to “punch down” at them — except that Omar is speaking Liberalese, an Orwellian dialect in which everything is called the diametric opposite of what it is. For example, murdering babies before they are born is called “reproductive healthcare.” Gender-denying sex change procedures are called “gender-affirming care.” Resistance to LBGT bullying is “punching down.”

The American Left has anointed itself an “ally” of both Muslims and LGBTs, as part of their claims to a monopoly on representing the interests of all racial, religious, and sexual minorities in a society supposedly rigged against them.

This defines Cultural Marxism, the leftist strategy of destroying American society by inflaming identity groups and playing them off against the core population. The glue that holds the Cultural Marxist coalition together is hatred of normal Americans. It is not sticky enough to adhere Muslims to the Alphabet People.

Islam teaches that homosexuality is a grave sin punishable by death, and to this day, majority-Muslim countries in the Middle East subject homosexuals to criminal penalties, violence, and alleged abuse unheard of in America…

You can only worship one god. The Church of England proves that you cannot be both a Christian and a moonbat. You can’t be both a Muslim and a moonbat either. However, Omar should hang onto the headscarf, because it enhances her popularity among liberals.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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