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Aug 01 2023

Joe Biden’s Last Line of Legal Defense

Even with a shameless partisan apparatchik serving as Attorney General, the legal noose is tightening around Joe Biden’s neck. He has been committing serious crimes too arrogantly for too long to avoid Leavenworth indefinitely, even with our two-tiered system of justice. Devon Archer confirms that Barack Obama’s former idiot sidekick was directly involved in influence-peddling operations, testifying that bagman Hunter put the Big Guy on the phone over 20 times to sell “the brand.”

Presenting Creepy Joe’s last line of defense:

What jury will believe this guy has been running a multi-$billion influence-peddling operation? Biden doesn’t come off like someone who could run a Kool-Aid stand. His lawyers will pretend he didn’t know who he was talking to.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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