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Dec 17 2020

Journalism Awards Named After Disgraced Dan Rather

Due to moonbattery, previously prestigious awards like the Nobel Peace Prize and Rhodes Scholarship have degenerated into farces. New awards start out as farces — like two awards just unveiled at the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin:

“The Dan Rather Medals for News and Guts honor the process of journalism as much as the end product,” the organization announced Wednesday. “They will be awarded to professional and collegiate journalists who go the extra yard — overcoming obstacles like stonewalling and harassment — to get the story that tells truth to power.”

In keeping with the naming of the award, another obstacle they should be rewarded for overcoming is factual reality.

Absent from the college’s announcement is any mention of why Rather has not anchored a serious news desk since 2004. For those who don’t remember, Rather alleged falsely during the 2004 U.S. presidential election that then-President George W. Bush had gone “AWOL” for much of his tenure in the National Guard. Rather’s supposed “bombshell” story, for which he lost his job at CBS, was based entirely on forged documents.

Nearly as absurd as naming journalism awards for the unrepentant Dan Rather of “fake but accurate” infamy is what the statement does include, namely, self-congratulatory duckspeak about how the liberal establishment’s Pretorian media has “long been under constant fire from the powerful.”

The media doesn’t even aspire to credibility anymore. It is about advancing a leftist political agenda and allows nothing to distract from that purpose.

On tip from Lyle and Mr. Freemarket.


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