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Sep 01 2020

Kamala Harris: Riots Won’t Stop After the Election, Nor Should They

Joe Biden has implied that the riots will let up if we elect him. However, due to his cognitive decline and general weakness, that decision will not be up to him. As de facto president, Kamala Harris will have more to say about whether the rioting continues to destroy people’s lives.

As mentioned earlier, Harris has tried to raise money to bail out rioters so that they can resume their arson, looting, vandalism, et cetera. She has also said this of the riots that at the time were reducing parts of Minneapolis to a smoking ruin:

“They’re not going to stop before election day in November and they’re not going to stop after election day. … They are not going to let up. And they should not.”

Political terrorism has gone mainstream in the Democratic Party.

On a tip from Scott D.


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2 Responses to “Kamala Harris: Riots Won’t Stop After the Election, Nor Should They”

  1. […] Republicans act invisible and Democrats support the rioters, Ronald Reagan provides his characteristic leadership and clarity on the Black Lives Matter […]

  2. […] worries, voters. Riot endorsing and abetting Kamala Harris, the farthest left member of the Senate, stands ready to step in when […]


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