Looks Like Another LGBT Camp for Kids
Totalitarian regimes like North Korea feature reeducation camps, where subjects can be cut off from mitigating influences while they are immersed in the ideology they are expected to adopt. An American parallel is LGBT camps for kids like those sponsored by University of Evansville and University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. Could be we’ve found another. From Redlands, California:
From June 24-28, therapist Brian Scott Hamilton will facilitate a summer camp for teens ages 12-17 using tabletop roleplaying games to work on social anxiety, bullying, prejudice, and family dynamics, among other issues.
Libs are always on the lookout for dog whistles. References to “bullying” and “prejudice” might count, if used to suggest that a child is vulnerable to LGBTification.
To acquire an LGBT trophy child, sometimes progressive parents have to step back and let themselves be marginalized:
According to Hamilton, “It’s around this age when kids are starting to realize they can’t rely on their parents for the rest of lives for their survival. They have to rely on their community.”
This is why, she says, teenagers’ friends’ opinions often matter more to them than those of their parents. “They are trying to establish their identity. What do I want to be when I grow up? How do I fit into this world? Are these people I want to be around? Is this the personality I want? Is this the sexuality or gender expression I want?”
Speaking of gender expression, “she” in the paragraph above refers to Mr. Hamilton. This is him.
On a tip from Mike B.
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[…] of the type offered by the University of Evansville and University of Wisconsin–Green Bay and in Redlands, California, they qualify for adult LGBT […]
[…] of the type offered by the University of Evansville and University of Wisconsin–Green Bay and in Redlands, California, they qualify for adult LGBT […]