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Nov 10 2022

Miss Greater Derry Is Fat Ugly Guy

Political correctness has been pushed to the last extreme, creating the inversion of values, whereby whoever is least deserving gets the reward. At this point in our descent down the liberal rabbit hole, few will be surprised to see a fat ugly guy win a female beauty pageant. Presenting Brian, who has been crowned “Miss Greater Derry” in New Hampshire:

He is eminently qualified, being the least qualified candidate imaginable.

This is how we ended up with Joe Biden as President of the United States.

Sickest of all, liberals no doubt felt self-righteous about choosing Brian. The reason Democrats so relentlessly ram sexual depravity down our throats is that their ideology is fundamentally depraved. Depravity is not just its most salient characteristic but its core principle.

On a tip from DCGere.


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One Response to “Miss Greater Derry Is Fat Ugly Guy”

  1. […] do they give the prize to whomever least deserves it? Because this is […]


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