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Aug 03 2023

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Liberal Establishment Voice of Science

The appalling thing about Neil deGrasse Tyson is that he will say anything — no matter how moronic, bizarre, disgusting, and untrue — in order to lick the hand of his moonbat masters:

Apparently, the XX/XY chromosomes are insufficient because when we wake up in the morning, we exaggerate whatever feature we want to portray the gender of our choice. Either the one you’re assigned, the one you choose to be — whatever it is!

Now, just to tie a bow on this, I say to you, somewhere I read — somewhere, I think I read — that the United States was a land where we have the pursuit of happiness. Suppose no matter my chromosomes today, “I feel 80% female, 20% male. I’m gonna put on makeup.” Tomorrow, I might feel 80% male. I’ll remove the makeup and I’ll wear a muscle shirt. Why do you care?! What businesses is it of yours to require that I fulfill your inability to think of gender on a spectrum?

For having so little respect for objective reality and for himself that he will recite crap like this in public, and of course for having the preferred skin color, his masters pat him on the head and let him play Voice of Science.


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2 Responses to “Neil deGrasse Tyson, Liberal Establishment Voice of Science”

  1. […] we know where Neil deGrasse Tyson learned about biology. Who wants to break the news to both of them about the discovery of […]


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