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Nov 11 2023

New York Gives Up on EV Snowplows

Winter is on the way. Time to put away the asinine EVs and fall back on vehicles that work in the cold — or that work period:

Three years ago, the New York Department of Sanitation ordered seven electric rear loader garbage trucks made by Mack LR Electric. The department has not been able to find electric trucks that are powerful enough to plow snow like the original diesel ones.

No worries. According to The Experts, the climate will soon punish us for not fully embracing central planning by withholding snow anyway.

Each truck made by Mack cost more than $523,000 and was part of a long-term goal under the NYC Clean Fleet Transition Plan to move toward a majority of “clean” energy versions by 2035, with emergency and specialized trucks totally converted to electric vehicles by 2040.

It’s a small price to pay so that liberals can virtue signal about how devoutly they believe in Al Gorism — so long as taxpayers pick up the tab. However, no amount of other people’s money can create EVs that plow snow:

“In our test of the non-diesel rear-loaders, we found that they could not plow the snow effectively,” Commissioner of the New York Department of Sanitation Jessica Tish said during a City Council hearing in November 2022, per the New York Sun.

As for using the extravagantly expensive electric trucks to collect the garbage that NYC produces in such profusion,

The tests indicate sanitation trucks will likely not fully electrify by 2040, like the department hoped, as the electric trucks do not perform well in cold temperatures. Snow plowing specific trucks aside, multiple studies have found that electric cars require extra care during the winter season and have lower fuel efficiency at colder temperatures than petrol and diesel vehicles.

Even the depraved kooks infesting New York understand you can’t rely on electric vehicles — not that they won’t make them mandatory anyway, if only to prove they can impose their moronic ideology on every aspect of your life.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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  1. […] Moonbattery covers NY giving up on EV snowplows […]


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