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Sep 21 2023

New York May Cancel George Washington

Everyone knew when Robert E. Lee was canceled that it was only the beginning. George Washington was also a great man and a Virginian, and also lived back when people had owned slaves throughout the world since before recorded history; therefore, in New York:

The city’s Cultural Affairs Committee has demanded the eviction of George Washington and Christopher Columbus and others from public spaces because of links to slavery, along with the establishment of a reparations task force.

Meanwhile, the city is flat broke, having flushed away $12 billion on being a sanctuary for illegal aliens at the expense of the native population. Ten thousand grasping invaders pour into the declining city every month. No worries; federal taxpayers are sure to bail it out.

The Committee plans to remove any public statue or work of art that ‘depicts a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity’.

From the liberal viewpoint, that means anyone who lived at the time of the nation’s founding.

Dozens of prominent statues across the city are at risk including those depicting Thomas Jefferson and former governor Peter Stuyvesant.

By erasing our history, they erase our identity. Then they can create a new identity as a nation of farm animals content to stay in their pens so long as they are fed free slop until it is time for a trip to the slaughterhouse.

As Todd Starnes jokes,

There are multiple statues and monuments to Washington, including Washington Square Park and the George Washington Bridge. It’s unclear whether the park and bridge will be leveled or just simply renamed.

At this point, maybe they should level the whole city and start over.

After the Father of Our Country has had his hero status revoked, he will be defiled and demonized before he is frog-marched to the memory hole and forgotten. Maybe the authorities will decide he impregnated a slave. That is a favorite liberal calumny against the author of the Declaration of Independence, whose statue leftists have already removed from City Hall.

This is cultural genocide. If we fail to defeat liberalism, Americans will soon cease to exist in any meaningful sense.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.


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