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Jul 02 2023

Newspeak Dictionary Updates from UNC

Words that are acceptable one day are strictly forbidden the next, so to avoid cancelation as a thought criminal, you must diligently keep abreast of updates to the Newspeak Dictionary. The leftist martinets running the University of North Carolina have more:

Carolina is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment for every Tar Heel. To fully represent the diversity of our students, faculty, staff and everyone in our community, it is important to use language that supports these values. This inclusive language guide can act as a starting point for communicating in a way that supports a diverse and welcoming community.

Not even UNC is diverse enough to welcome those who do not conform to rigid speech restrictions in obeisance to official ideology.

Newly banned words include “man,” “mankind,” “he,” and “man-made.” This reflects not only the liberal hatred of all things masculine but also the greater war on biological reality, so terms that acknowledge the existence of women are also forbidden (“she,” “stewardess”). “Mother” and “father” are to be replaced by “guardian.”

Calling bums “homeless” is no longer sufficiently politically correct. Now they must be referred to as “people experiencing homelessness” or “people who are homeless.” This is based on the principle that the more syllables you waste, the more reverence you are expressing, which is why we must say “African American” rather than the more accurate term “Negro.” Be advised that we are no longer allowed to use “nonparallel designations.” “African Americans and Whites,” must be replaced by “African Americans and European Americans.”

“Transgender” is no longer an acceptable term for “cross-dressing weirdo.” Replacement options are “gender-nonconforming,” “gender queer,” “nonbinary,” “gender-expansive,” “agender,” and “Two-Spirit.”

You must always use preferred pronouns. However, you must not refer to them as “preferred pronouns,” because that “implies a choice about gender.” Men who chose to pretend to be women were born that way, according to progressive doctrine.

Keep in mind that even an accidental violation of woke language restrictions may be viewed as defiance. Those who defy liberal dictates are racists, homophobes, transphobes, and Threats to Our Democracy. In Michigan, using words that members of the LGBT community regard as defiant will soon be punishable by actual imprisonment.

On tips from The Great Cornholio and Franco. Hat tips: Global Research, Summit News.


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