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Nov 11 2022

No Whites Need Apply

The MSM looks hard for evidence of the systemic racism that is a bedrock of its ideology, but cannot find any, so it is forced to superimpose racism on incidents that have nothing to do with it (e.g., George Floyd’s demise). This is because liberal journalists are looking in the wrong places. Resume Builder offers them a clue with a study on the difficulty of finding a job if you are a Caucasian in a society dominated by leftists. One thousand hiring managers were surveyed across the country. The findings:

• 52% believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring

• 1 in 6 have been asked to deprioritize hiring white men

• 48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications

• 53% believe their job will be in danger if they don’t hire enough diverse employees

• 70% believe their company has DEI initiatives for appearances’ sake

White women get hit nearly as hard as white men:

Sixteen percent of hiring managers surveyed say they have been told to deprioritize white men when evaluating candidates, and 14% have been told to deprioritize hiring white women. This is a consistent finding with past reports of “reverse discrimination”.

So-called “reverse discrimination” is the only kind of discrimination you will find in the USA in the 21st century.

Note that these numbers represent only what the respondents would admit to. Human resources departments are notoriously left-wing. The actual numbers are likely much higher.

Instead of acknowledging that all systemic racism is against whites (with spillover onto Asians for “acting white” by working hard and being successful), the MSM gaslights that no such racism exists and also that you are a racist for drawing attention to it. On behalf of the liberal establishment, propagandist Leonard Pitts Jr denounces an ad for having the courage to stand up for an identity group that really is discriminated against. I believe he means this one:

Intones Pitts:

Yes, the spot is obviously a direct descendant of the notoriously racist Willie Horton ad of 1988. But our attention today is on how it tries to neutralize the language of liberal protest by co-opting it, i.e., re-framing “racism” as something suffered by white folks. It’s a rhetorical trick the white right has used for years. Which is not to say it has lost its power to infuriate. This narrative that racism is a “both sides” phenomenon may be comfort food for them, but it is a libel upon my ancestors.

Pitts is of politically preferred racial heritage. Therefore, it would be racist to point out that his viewpoint is racist.

Cynical whites will continue to utilize Cultural Marxism to achieve power. Weak whites will internalize self-hatred as instructed. Others will push back.

On tips from R F and Feet2Fire.


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