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Nov 05 2022

Pushback Begins Against Antiwhite Racism

It would seem unlikely that a party could achieve power through democratic elections when a major component of its platform is to systematically discriminate against the majority population. This has only been possible because people are so intimidated by liberal bullies wielding the cancelation club that they have not pushed back against the antiwhite race hate that is effectively the state religion under Democrat rule. Not a moment too soon, the worm has begun to turn:

From the Billings Report:

New advertisements are running in key battleground states, highlighting anti-white racism on behalf of Joe Biden’s White House and its progressive allies.

America First Legal, the right wing’s “answer to the ACLU” run by longtime Trump-world figure Stephen Miller, is reportedly running the spots in Georgia, where Sen. Raphael Warnock recently went on an anti-white tirade during a church service.

Hopefully, there are nonwhites who agree that antiwhite racism is wrong. If not, whites have a rough road ahead when Biden achieves his stated objective of reducing whites to minority status in the USA. He is bringing this about by deliberately encouraging mass illegal immigration.

Weirdly, antiwhite racism is driven mainly by ruling class whites. The hatred is not really for Caucasians per se but for those who do not bend the knee to liberal ideology. Democrats especially hate working class whites, whom they call “deplorables.”

Antiwhite ideology is implemented by the Democratic Party and woke corporations, but originates in academia. A University of Chicago student boldly risks cancelation by documenting how intolerable it has gotten:

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Jester.


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One Response to “Pushback Begins Against Antiwhite Racism”

  1. […] Instead of acknowledging that all systemic racism is against whites (with spillover onto Asians for “acting white” by working hard and being successful), the MSM gaslights that no such racism exists and also that you are a racist for drawing attention to it. On behalf of the liberal establishment, propagandist Leonard Pitts Jr denounces an ad for having the courage to stand up for an identity group that really is discriminated against. I believe he means this one: […]


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