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Dec 23 2022

Obesity as Identity Entails Risk as Well as Privilege

Like the gay lifestyle, obesity as an identity offers privilege but also risk:

Jamie Lopez, founder of Babydoll Beauty Couture and star of the WE tv reality show “Super Sized Salon,” has died. She was 37.

As often happens with the morbidly obese, her heart did her in.

Lopez’s Las Vegas business, founded in 2017, claims to be the world’s first plus-size salon.

“People just don’t like fat people, they treat us horribly,” she told the Mirror in 2019 regarding her drive to foster inclusivity. “They want to make us feel like we’re unwelcome or feel like we don’t belong here.”

According to the principles of Cultural Marxism, this lived experience of oppression entitles the overweight to privileged status. To earn it, however, they must fully embrace obesity as an identity. The health effects are predictable.

On a tip from Steve T.


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