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Jul 21 2024

Major Fire at First Baptist Dallas

They say war is politics by other means. The same may go for this:

A raging fire tore through a historic Texas megachurch Friday night, collapsing its red-brick chapel built in 1890.

The blaze began just after 6 p.m. in First Baptist Dallas’ secondary chapel known as the Historic Sanctuary, which is tucked between the church’s larger worship centers.

By the grace of God, no one was injured.

A week of vacation bible school for 2,000 kids ages 3 to 12 had just concluded earlier in the day.

Here’s what might have rendered the church highly combustible:

[Pastor Robert] Jeffress is a major evangelical support of former President Donald Trump, having joined his Evangelical Advisory Board and the White House Faith Initiative in 2016, PJ Media reported.

As Ian Fleming would say,

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

Given the widespread arson and vandalism directed at American churches following the repeal of Roe v. Wade and the epidemic of church burnings in Canada inspired by a hate hoax, we are well past three times.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 21 2024

Exorbitantly Expensive Free Lunch in Colorado

“There is no free lunch,” as the time-honored saying goes. Whatever leftists declare must be free will end up costing us all more than we can afford, even if most of us get no benefit. Consider the free lunch bestowed in Colorado:

When Colorado voters approved “Healthy School Meals for All” two years ago, organizers behind the ballot initiative estimated the program would cost $115 million in its first year.

The actual costs significantly exceeded that — $166 million…

From here the cost will continue directly upward.

“I don’t know why the costs have gotten so out of control,” said state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton, who serves on both the legislature’s appropriations and Joint Budget Committee.

I know why. Because the market for free stuff is infinite, and because Big Government is involved. People do not spend other people’s money wisely.

No worries; liberals have a solution:

Given the actual cost of the program, supporters are seriously considering whether to put another ballot measure before voters to ask for more money.

Then they will ask for more money after that. Then more after that. People will vote for it, on the grounds that it will be mostly others who have to pay.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 21 2024

What We’ll Have Instead of Drug Stores

The big drug store chains have been forced to close stores due to end stage liberalism resulting in an ongoing looting spree by shoplifters. There are plans to close thousands of Walgreens alone by 2027. But it’s not as if social engineers have nothing to offer in their place. Consider a closed store in New York City:

A former Rite Aid in Queens has been transformed into a nightmare out of “Mad Max,” overrun by booze-swilling hobos, zonked-out junkies and migrants who have transformed the forlorn spot into their own dystopian social club.

Fundamentally transformed, as Barack Obama might put it.

The mostly middle-aged derelicts laid claim to the 25,058-square-foot Astoria plot seven months ago, neighbors say…

Excuse me, I think you mean “the housing deprived” or “the residence challenged,” not “derelicts.”

They’ve since turned the site into a blight, dangling bizarre items from the roof’s edges. …

“It’s got a real ‘Mad Max’ vibe going on,” said one neighbor, who declined to give her name out of fear of retaliation from the vagrants.

Keeping people in fear may be the point of the policy of spending $billions to grow the homeless population. Democrats are building a zombie army. The future they have in store for us may be closer to Dawn of the Dead than Mad Max.

One man flashed an eight-inch knife when approached by The Post, while another reached for what appeared to be a loose table leg.

They didn’t appear to speak English.

Much of the zombie army has been imported across Biden’s open border.

Capitalist exploiters tried to do something constructive with the property…

Permits have already been filed to expand the one-story building into a five-story mixed-use structure, with housing and retail.

…but bureaucrats put the kibosh on it:

The city’s Department of Buildings objected to the plans in March, citing, among other things, non-compliance issues.

Here’s one possible future:

The Post watched as a man seated on a soiled blue couch behind the building appeared to sell drugs.

Another urinated out in the open as two teenaged couples walked by, while a third, heavily tattooed man stripped to his boxer shorts and bathed himself with a half-filled five-gallon water bottle.

In the other possible future, we pry leftists from power.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 21 2024

Open Thread

The dictatorship of the Communist Party is maintained by recourse to every form of violence. - Leon Trotsky

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 20 2024

Shark Eyes

Presenting the Future of the Democratic Party toning down the rhetoric in the aftermath of the assassination attempt by proclaiming that Trump is a “neo-Nazi”:

A scene from Jaws comes to mind. Remember Quint?

“Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white…”

I wonder if AOC’s eyes will roll over white if the next attempt is successful.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 20 2024

Actress Has Young Son Edit OnlyFans Material

To get an idea of the moral climate that prevails in Hollyweird, consider Drea de Matteo, who starred in The Sopranos, Sons of Anarchy, Joey, and Desperate Housewives. When acting work dried up, the 52-year-old actress fell back on DIY pornography via OnlyFans:

De Matteo revealed her 13-year-old son helps her edit photos for the platform.

This came out during an interview on the Not Today, Pal podcast. Asked host Robert Iler,

“Before you start, your son was outside saying he edits your OnlyFans photos?”

“Oh yeah,” De Matteo responds. “He’s like ‘so what do you want me to do with the bikini line here?’. …

But she clarified that the lesbian content is not something her kids ever get to see.

Nice to know that even actresses have limits.

Avers De Matteo,

“I was never the kind of actor that took jobs just to stay in the business. I literally took jobs to feed my family.”

Too bad there appears to be no father in the picture. He might pick up some slack financially. However, fathers have been canceled as a remnant of the patriarchy.

De Matteo has not provided an ideal environment for children. Yet thanks to the entertainment industry, American children spend much of their formative period in the environment she represents.

On a tip from Mike B.

Jul 20 2024

Hello Kitty Does Not Identify as a Cat

Hello Kitty is a cat. You can tell by the whiskers, the ears, and the name. Yet it has been revealed that the iconic figure does not identify as a cat, but as a 50-year-old little girl who presents herself as a cat:

Hello Kitty became the subject of a North American museum exhibition for the first time when a retrospective called “Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty,” premiered at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles.

The exhibit made headlines — and caused a few online meltdowns — after its curator, Christine R. Yano, revealed that the Hello Kitty character was, in fact, a little girl and not a cat.

She got the word from Sanrio, the company that created Hello Kitty. Yet a cat is a cat, even if it’s a cartoon cat.

An Abraham Lincoln quote comes to mind:

“How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”

Next we may learn that Hello Kitty identifies as a dog.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jul 20 2024

Mailwoman Shot in Chicago

Traditionally, mail carriers’ worst enemy is aggressive dogs. But where the Democrat Death Spiral has caused law & order to collapse, they have bigger problems:

A mail carrier was fatally shot while walking a route in Chicago, authorities said. …

Octavia Redmond, 48, was shot shortly before noon Friday on South Harvard Avenue on Chicago’s South Side, police said.

Gasps Elise Foster, a local official at the National Association of Letter Carriers,

“We are federal employees. How dare you?”

As the wolves close in around the dwindling campfire of civilization, no one is secure. Not even federal employees.

If you can’t have retail stores where society has succumbed to leftism, why would you expect to have mail delivery?

On a tip from Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Jul 20 2024

$Millions Spent for Nonwhite Transsexuals

There are two main reasons why everything costs more than it did the last time Trump was president. One is Biden’s War on Energy, which drives up the price of everything in the name of climate ideology. The other is grotesquely wasteful government spending like this:

The U.S. will spend millions of dollars to implement and evaluate if an interactive text messaging program used by the government is effective in helping transgender women [i.e., cross-dressing men] of color and young men who have sex with men (YMSM) take readily available measures to protect against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a sexually transmitted infection that attacks the body’s immune system. …

This week the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that it is doling out $3 million to nonprofits, local governments, school districts and public housing authorities to facilitate implementation of the PrEPmate intervention…

If they wanted to slow the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, they would stop promoting homosexuality and moral degeneracy — and yet:

The CDC has already created a “Toolkit for Providing HIV Prevention Services to Transgender Women of Color” designed by “transgender women of color with extensive experience working in HIV prevention.” It assesses community needs, creates transgender-affirming environments, addresses mental and behavioral health needs for transgender women of color and builds community partnerships.

To create a “transgender-affirming environment” is to encourage deviants to orient their lives around indulging in depravity.

It’s almost as if they waste our money in the most tasteless way possible out of sheer hatred for the nation. This would be consistent with the anti-Americanism at the root of the Democrat viewpoint. The racist emphasis on providing alleged benefits to those who are not members of the core population adds an extra poke in the eye.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 20 2024

Open Thread

Revolution, the substitution of one social system for another, has always been a struggle, a painful and a cruel struggle, a life and death struggle. - Joseph Stalin

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 19 2024

Colonization on Display in Leeds

The plan is to sweep Third World colonization under the rug by limiting it to no-go zones (a.k.a. “migrant communities”) until it is too late to do anything about it. But sometimes the conquest of Europe breaks into the open, as just happened in Leeds:

Mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters couldn’t roll over a police car better.

Paul Joseph Watson reports on what the mainstream media would prefer to ignore:

This is what Britons voted for. Let’s hope they enjoy it.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.

Jul 19 2024

Pricey Flights for Illegals From California to Texas

Doing to Texas what they did to California is going to cost a lot of money. Fortunately for Democrats, it’s our money:

The Biden administration has been flying migrants from California, which is being overrun, to Texas — where Gov. Greg Abbott’s tough border control measures have deterred illegal crossings into the state…

Instead of stopping them at the border, the feds are treating them to charter flights from San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley, where their votes are more urgently needed.

Sources say the flights, which have been operating every week, cost an estimated $80,000 and are known for being “extremely expensive.”

No worries; there is plenty of money. Biden has the printing presses ramped up to maximum speed. That’s why a trip to the grocery store is so expensive.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and R F.

Jul 19 2024

Public Schools Subordinate Math to Cultural Marxism

As a judge recently ruled, a public school is not a marketplace of ideas. It is for indoctrinating children in a single set of ideas that dominates the entire curriculum. For example, mathematics are subordinated to Critical Race Theory in liberal jurisdictions like Pittsburgh:

The district is paying $52,000 to Nth Education Partners for a series of eight, two-hour long virtual workshops where “participants will reflect on the instruction and pedagogy that supports schools in moving toward justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in math classrooms,” according to the district.

A guide published by Nth Education Partners explains why math should be all about Critical Race Theory:

“Many believe the myth that math is the most neutral or unbiased subject. This misconception often leads to confusion about how racism, oppression, or social justice is relevant to the field of mathematics. Our objective here is to reveal the invisible structures and norms that uphold systems of oppression in mathematics education and make them visible.”

Unsurprisingly, the district has low test scores in math, despite blowing $36,000 per year per student.

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) exams … are given to third and eighth graders. In 2023, 60% of the third graders and 82% of the eighth graders were not proficient in math.

It would make more sense to test them in Democrat ideology.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 19 2024

Never Too Young to Be Punished for Thoughtcrime

Some children come out of public schools unable to read and write; others don’t get through the first grade without learning about totalitarianism:

A California 7-year-old was banned from drawing pictures at school and forced to sit out recess for two weeks for adding “any life” below Black Lives Matter on a picture she drew and gave to a Black friend, punishments that led to a federal lawsuit.

No one disputes what happened at Viejo Elementary School in Orange County:

The student, identified as B.B., drew the picture, which also included four colored-in ovals representing herself and three friends, after a lesson on Martin Luther King, Jr., and gave it to her friend, M.C., who took it home, where her mother saw it.

It is considered racist to suggest that all lives matter. M.C.’s mother complained to authorities.

The principal confronted B.B. and told her the drawing was “inappropriate” and “racist” and that she couldn’t draw at school anymore and had to apologize to her friend. When she returned to class, her teachers told her she was not allowed to play at recess for two weeks.

B.B.’s mother sued.

U.S. Central District Court Judge David Carter acknowledged that M.C.’s parents didn’t want B.B. punished and that neither student understood why B.B. was apologizing.

“Undoubtedly, B.B.’s intentions were innocent,” Carter said in ruling for the district. “B.B. testified that she gifted the Drawing to M.C. to make her feel comfortable after her class learned about Martin Luther King Jr.”

Yet Carter came down on the side of the thought police, on the grounds that “an elementary school … is not a marketplace of ideas.”

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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