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Feb 11 2025

Dem Rep’s Brain Breaks Down on House Floor

Some people are sharp as ever well past 80. Others age less gracefully, as our government confirms. Prying the conspicuously senile Joe Biden from power was only a first step in overthrowing our fossilized gerontocracy.

The brain of Rep John Larson (D-CT) stopped functioning amidst his bloviations on the House floor yesterday:

“The gentleman’s time is expired.” You can say that again.

Larson’s people say he was suffering an adverse reaction to medication:

The 76-year-old lawmaker’s office, however, did not provide details on what the medication was or why the congressman was purportedly taking it.

There is a silver lining:

Larson also reportedly skipped two House votes held on Monday night, according to Axios.

If the brain freeze looked familiar, you could be thinking of the backstabbing Mitch McConnell, who has displayed them more than once, who turns 83 this month, and who just left the Capitol in a wheelchair, presumably so as not to fall down again:

According to Newsmax, the median age in the USA is 39.1 years, the average age of the House is 57.7 years, and the average age in the Senate is 63.8 years.

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi is officially no longer House Minority Leader. However, Hakeem Jeffries does not appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed and may be a DEI figurehead. For all we know, 84-year-old Pelosi is still calling the shots.

Speaking of calling the shots, dominant Democrat donor George Soros is 94.

Then there is 86-year-old Maxine Waters, who rivals Chuck Schumer as the face of the party lately.

But at least they finally admitted that Dianne Feinstein is dead.

On tips from seaoh, DCGere, and WDS 2.0.

Feb 11 2025

Fort Bragg Restored

History matters, because it forms our national identity. That’s why liberals have been erasing it. But with pro-Americans in charge, history is being restored.

Mount McKinley is Mount McKinley again, named after US President William McKinley, thanks to an executive order by Donald Trump. Now this:

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth signed an order Monday restoring the name of a storied special operations forces base back to Fort Bragg. The North Carolina base was renamed Fort Liberty in 2023 as part of a national effort under the Biden administration to remove names that honored Confederate leaders.

If Confederates thought they would be erased without due respect, they might have fought to the last man. In Civil War times, Americans were honorable on both sides. Due to the moral decay that has become institutionalized in the Democratic Party, this is no longer the case. Fortunately, like the Biden Regime’s name for Fort Bragg, the decay can be reversed.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Feb 11 2025

Racist Food Served for Black History Month

For reasons liberals have yet to reveal, it is thoughtcrime to associate blacks with the fried chicken that like many Americans they tend to favor. Search “blacks and fried chicken” on Duck Duck Go and up pops a scolding from Wikipedia headlined “Fried Chicken Stereotype” that denounces this “anti-African American racist trope.” Yet we read this from Battle Creek, Michigan:

Ribs, collard greens, traditional fried chicken, sweet potatoes and mac and cheese are some of the featured items at Kellogg Community College’s (KCC) upcoming Soul Food Luncheon.

In the Binda Performing Arts Center on Feb. 19, KCC is set to host their annual Black History Month South Food Luncheon…

Where’s Al Sharpton, still hanging out at Costco? Someone needs to put a stop to this racism.

On a tip from Mike B.

Feb 10 2025

Open Thread

Katherine Maher is President and CEO of NPR.

Feb 10 2025

“Chief” Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary

The word “chief” now constitutes thoughtcrime. It has been struck from the Newspeak Dictionary by an Expert, Dr. Dori Tunstall of the California Institute of the Arts:

Tunstall is also head of her advocacy organization, Dori Tunstall Inc., which is “dedicated to decolonizing and diversifying institutional processes.” She refuses to use the term “chief executive officer,” instead opting for “Lead Executive Officer” on her Instagram biography, where she invites others to “ask why we don’t say chief.”

Don’t ask. It will just start her sputtering about how the word somehow insults Amerindians.

However, according to Liberty University linguistics professor Dr. Jaeshil Kim: “The word chief comes from the Old French chef, meaning ‘leader’ or ‘head,’” and “[t]he term was applied to Native American leaders by European settlers, aligning with their existing use of the word for leaders in other societies.”

She concluded that the term “Chief Executive Officer” signifies “its original meaning of leadership and authority without direct reference to Native American cultures.”

Well then, the word offends transgender kindergartners. Or maybe it causes climate change. The important thing is that you are not allowed to say “chief.” The very arbitrariness of liberal language restrictions is the whole point — namely, to show who is boss.

The Kansas City Chiefs got what they deserved yesterday for being thought criminals.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 10 2025

Cornell Black History Month Pole Dancing Workshop

Formerly prestigious and ever more expensive Ivy League schools are lavishly subsidized by the federal government. No doubt this has accelerated their decay. But learning still takes place at them. For example, at Cornell, students can learn to pole dance at a Black History Month Workshop this February 25.

The event will be held in Willard Straight Hall by Pole Posse, which reveals that the blacks whose history is revered this month have plenty of company in the rapidly expanding cultural Marxist coalition of the oppressed. Their About Us page denounces the political incorrectness of those who view pole dancing as merely a form of exercise:

We believe that the active attempt to verbally cleanse pole dancing by separating it from its origins in sex work enacts violence upon this marginalized group. As a club, we refuse to indulge in this cleansing by exclusively invoking pole dancing as a fitness regimen which developed in a vacuum rather than one that came and comes from a systemically oppressed group and culture. We are committed to honoring this group and expressing the multitudes that exist within the craft of pole dancing while working in active opposition to individuals and systems that seek to harm this group.

Pole Posse is a registered student organization of Cornell University. If graduates can’t find anything else to do with degrees that cost $66,000 per year just for tuition and fees, they can always take up sex work.

On a tip from Mike B.

Feb 10 2025

New York Democrats Counter Trump With Tax Threat

New York Democrats enraged over Trump reigning in the federal Leviathan are falling back on their favorite standby — namely, taxation:

Gov. Kathy Hochul and US Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand warned that the possible Department of Education eradication President Trump has alluded to will cause property taxes to spike across the state. …

“This is $5.5 billion that the State receives annually from the Department of Education — $3.2 billion goes directly into our budget, $2.3 billion goes to localities. If that money is jeopardized, what I can tell you will happen, localities lose that money, they will have to raise taxes,” Hochul said.

You mean New Yorkers might have to pay to have their children corrupted and indoctrinated rather than educated instead of the rest of the country being forced to finance it? The horror!

Of course, New Yorkers would no longer have to finance the ruining of children’s minds in other parts of the country. But then, other parts of the country might not go along with the Department of Education’s leftist agenda after the federal Swamp has relinquished control of education. That’s what has Hochul so mad.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.

Feb 10 2025

Heretical Transsexual Version of Lord’s Prayer

Not even Stalin could kill enough Christians to eradicate the faith. But the insidious attack it faces now may prove more effective — through infiltration and subversion by leftists.

Confirming that nothing is sacred to moonbats other than moonbattery, St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Essex, Ontario has produced a heretical parody of the Lord’s Prayer that twists it into LGBT advocacy:

PJ Media has the text. A few lowlights:

Our mother and our father, our beloved parent in who we move and breathe and have our being.

Already heresy is pushed to the point of blasphemy. God Himself is portrayed as nonbinary.

The glorious hallowing of your name shines forth in the diversity of your children.

“Diversity” is among the code words indicating what god is being worshiped.

May your peace and love, justice and equality, inclusion and belonging reign here on earth as in heaven.

Considering that moonbats often conflate “equality” with “equity,” this touches all three bases of DEI.

But enough with the relative subtlety:

Grant that our transgender loved ones might have their daily needs met

Even wokesters ask their god for forgiveness:

Forgive us for the ways that we have fallen short and failed your beloved transgender children…

The abomination is openly parodic:

Lead us away from the temptation to be complacent in the face of injustice

In Liberalese, “injustice” is an antonym for “leftism.”

The subversion of Christianity isn’t limited to churches. Consider the magazine Christianity Today, founded by Billy Graham in 1956. Confirming that it has become a woke propaganda platform, like Politico, AP, the New York Times, and the BBC it has been on the take from forces of evil via USAID:

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Feb 10 2025

Class Action Suit Hits Target for Moonbattery

Costco execs take note: now is not the time for doubling down on DEI and earning kisses from the likes of Al Sharpton. Americans are not in the mood for it. Ask Target:

Target was hit with a class action lawsuit [on January 31] after shareholders alleged the national retailer misled investors about the risks of its DEI initiatives, which led to consumer boycotts and its stock price to tank.

Tank it did:

Target’s stock price plummeted 22% on Nov. 20, 2024, destroying nearly $16 billion in market cap in a single day after the retailer reported disappointing earnings. The dive in prices came after Target became embroiled in a nationwide controversy surrounding its DEI and Pride initiatives.

Target has really shoved wokeness in customers’ faces:

The retailer faced severe backlash in 2023 after they sold “tuck friendly” female-style bathing suits and mugs displaying the term “gender fluid” as part of their Pride store displays. … Target’s sales fell 5.4% in the quarter ending Jul 2023, the first time its sales dropped in six years, according to the lawsuit.

Target’s LGBTification efforts have bordered on the satanic by involving products from Abprallen, which associates LGBTism with devil worship and advocates both.

In addition to misleading investors regarding the subordination of business interests to moonbattery,

Target allegedly had executives implement their DEI initiatives who had “disabling” conflicts of interest. Senior executive Carlos Saavedra and Vice President and Chief Food and Beverage Officer Rick Gomez both held positions at the LGBTQ rights organization GLSEN.

GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) targets children for sexual corruption. This may appeal to the Democrat base but not to average shoppers.

Now Target is getting hit from both sides:

The company announced it was rolling back its DEI programs in January. In response, organizers of the Twin Cities Pride Festival have announced that the retailer is no longer welcome at the Minnesota parade.

The lesson for corporations: Stay out of the culture wars. Knock off with the social engineering. Stick to retail.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Feb 09 2025

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Feb 09 2025

Time Magazine Angle on Super Sunday

Super Sunday is a suitable time to reflect on how global warming is affecting the NFL — according to Time, which reports that 4 months ago the temperature reached 98° on the day of a game, compelling a team to wear white pants “to reflect more heat away.” From the story:

The league’s Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles won’t face anything like that punishment during this Sunday’s Super Bowl, which will take place in New Orleans, where the forecast high for game day is 75°F. And, in any case, the game will be played in an indoor stadium. Either way, there is no escaping the fact that the world is steadily—and dangerously—heating up.

We are told once again that the climate slightly fluctuating like it always has represents an “existential crisis.”

Moonbats only know one song: moonbattery. So they keep singing it, even as it becomes increasingly obvious that no one wants to hear it anymore.

When Trump was asked how he feels about Time running a cover story alleging that Democrats’ bugbear Elon Musk is actually running the White House, he expressed surprise that the liberal establishment platform is still in business:

Time dinosaurs missed a scoop; they should have broken the story themselves that they have not yet lumbered all the way to the tarpits.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 09 2025

Mom of Subway Surfer Sues

Who is responsible if a fool gets himself killed surfing atop subway trains, presumably to impress viewers on social media? According to a lawsuit, taxpayers:

The mother of Daniel Baran, a 19-year-old who died last year while attempting to ride atop a BART train, is suing the transit agency.

The suit, filed Wednesday in San Francisco Superior Court, claims the trains lacked safety mechanisms that would have prevented his death.

No matter what happens, whoever is responsible is not responsible, and the event will be exploited as a pretext for attempted looting.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 09 2025

Dem: USAID Waste Helps Prevent Kids From Dying

Glenn Beck provides a few examples of what the federal bureaucracy has been wasting our money on via USAID:

• $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary gendered language

• $4.5 million to combat disinformation in Kazakhstan

• $2 million for sex changes and LGBT activism in Guatemala

• $2.1 million to help the BBC value the diversity of Libyan society

• $10 million worth of USAID-funded meals went to an al-Qaeda linked terrorist group

• $6 million for tourism in Egypt

• $5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, one of the key NGOs funding bat virus research in the Wuhan lab

• $1.1 million to an Armenian LGBT group

• $1.5 million to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica

• $2 million to promote LGBT equity through entrepreneurship in Latin America

• $2.3 million for artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Amazon

• $5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda

On the other hand, the $20 million USAID spent to create an Iraqi version of the moonbatty PBS show Sesame Street was worthwhile, because it represents “soft power” and “helps prevent kids from dying.” That’s why it is a better use of taxpayer money than defense spending. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) explains:

Tarred, feathered, run on a rail to the Potomac, and dumped therein. Coons and every other Democrat looter in the Swamp deserve nothing less.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 09 2025

Muslim Activist Calls for Genocidal Jihad in Manhattan

CAIR normally works underhandedly, portraying Muslims as victims as it exploits cultural Marxism to advance Islam, keeping its terror connections in the background. But we have some idea what’s under the surface.

Via Discover the Networks:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) describes itself as a “non-profit, grassroots membership organization … established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America,” to protect Muslims from hate crimes and discrimination, and to present “an Islamic perspective on issues of importance to the American public.” According to the Council’s Director of Communications, Ibrahim Hooper, “We are similar to a Muslim NAACP.”

When the mask slips, the image promoted is not so positive.

Presenting Jordan-born Noora Shalash, former Director of Government Affairs for CAIR-Kentucky:

This quote illuminates the agenda:

“I demand Jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you.”

She is referring to Jews, not all non-Muslims. Jews enraged Mohammad by refusing to acknowledge him as a prophet and have managed to maintain a non-Islamic pocket in the Middle East. But when they are done with Jews, they will come for the rest of us.

On tips from Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, and Htos1av.


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