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Feb 22 2022

Parent Owns School Board Tyrant in Virginia

The Montgomery County, Virginia school board rigidly followed the governor’s direction — back when the governor was the moonbat Ralph Northam. Now that Republicans are in charge, the governor is ignored regarding pointless and sadistic mask mandates for children, which Glenn Youngkin has lifted. Parent Alecia Vaught called out the hypocrisy at a school board meeting last Tuesday:

“Two different governors. Two different political parties. So, we were supposed to follow it last year, but not this year. That makes no sense and makes all of you a bunch of hypocrites.”

She wasn’t done:

Vaught then singled out board chair Sue Kass, whom she said “yelled at [her] … for taking off [her] mask” the previous year, by showing photos from Kass’ Facebook page apparently maskless in public social settings.

Kass responded by calling for a police officer to throw her out. But the cop let Vaught speak. That’s when Kass became unhinged and stormed out.

“We’re coming for your seat,” Vaught said as she passed.

Not a good day for Democrats. No wonder the Biden Regime sics the FBI on parents who speak out at school board meetings, after characterizing them as terrorists.

Please welcome Sue Kass to the DAISNAID files:

On a tip from seaoh.


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