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Jul 10 2023

Pope Meets With Bill Clinton and Alex Soros

Pope Francis has alarmed many Catholics with his seeming devotion to a different religion, namely moonbattery. This won’t reassure them:

Bill Clinton and Alex Soros met with Pope Francis during an unannounced private audience on July 5th. Alex Soros is chairman of the Open Society Foundations and the son of billionaire leftist financier George Soros.

As for Clinton, he was only recently supplanted by Hunter Biden as the apotheosis of liberal elite lawlessness and degeneracy.

Under George Soros, Open Society made significant monetary contributions to legalize abortion in traditional Catholic countries such as Ireland, Poland, and Mexico. The group has also supported efforts in the United States to promote abortion and change the political opinions of American Catholics in contradiction to Catholic teaching.

Not someone you want meeting with a left-leaning pope. Nor is Clinton, who likely hit it off with Francis better than he did with John Paul II as president:

Clinton previously made a 1994 visit to the Vatican, meeting with Pope St. John Paul II. Soon after the visit, the United States clashed with the Vatican about a UN proposal to guarantee abortion under international law.

When the Catholic Church succumbs to liberals on the sanctity of innocent life, you will know that it has become a church under enemy occupation.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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One Response to “Pope Meets With Bill Clinton and Alex Soros”

  1. […] the Catholic Church is subverted by liberals, it will not be the first to fall. Already, the Anglican Church is no longer Christian in any […]


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