Prince Charles Personifies Climate Crusading Elite
Not even Joe Biden of the 85-car climate motorcade could better personify the flagrant hypocrisy of the leftist ruling class better than Prince Charles:
Heir to the British throne Prince Charles called for a “vast military-style campaign” to combat climate change as he opened the COP26 summit in Glasgow on Monday.
Despite the climate having fluctuated wildly throughout the history of the planet, the temperature slightly rising as a result of leftist bureaucrats failing to impose sufficient taxation poses an “existential threat,” according to Prince Chucklehead.
Claiming that “time has quite literally run out”, the British royal said that as many countries in the world are unable to make the necessary investments into so-called green technologies, it will be up to richer nations to marshal “a vast military-style campaign” with “trillions at its disposal” to fight climate change.
If they devoted the $trillions to combating halitosis, at least some good might come of it.
The hoax is not just about confiscating our money. It is also about crushing freedom on a global level:
He argued that for this vision to work, it cannot be up to countries to create “parallel” solutions, but rather it is necessary to look towards a “global systems-level solution” in order to lead the “radical transforming of our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable.”
When a moonbat barks about “radical transforming,” check your ammo supply to make sure it is ample.
The calls for a globalist solution are nothing new from Prince Charles, who was an early proponent of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda. In 2015 the prince argued that the global economy was in need of a “rewiring” in order to prevent a climate catastrophe.
Klaus Schwab chuckles ominously and strokes his Sphynx cat as John Kerry bobs his head in the background.
Like most of the hoity-toity moonbats attending the Glasgow summit, Chucklehead arrived by private jet.
It has been estimated that the emissions produced by globalists jetting into Glasgow will outweigh the entire emissions produced by the people of Scotland in an entire year.
Paul Joseph Watson has been fed to the teeth:
Gerry Baker did warn us to brace for hypocrisy:
Our masters’ doubletalk will be on full display in the next week or two at the COP26 climate summit, when politicians, chief executives and leaders of environmental groups will deliver their grave warnings about the sacrifices that must be made to save the planet from extinction.
The sanctimonious posturing by the rich and powerful not only accomplishes no good whatsoever, it inflicts great harm. Elitist phonies cannot control the climate, but they can make our lives miserable:
The higher costs of energy fall disproportionately on the poor and middle class, for whom it represents a sizable proportion of their total spending. For the laid-off coal miner in Appalachia or the family struggling to meet its heating bills in a freezing Midwestern winter, the climate demands we’ll hear so much about in the next few weeks have a much more immediate impact than for the proliferating crowd of well-heeled “ESG” investors.
The symbol of the ruling class is the pointlessly inefficient, eagle-chopping wind turbine. The symbol for the rest of us might come to be the guillotine.
On tips from KirklesWorth, seaoh, and Varla.
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