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Feb 05 2023

Princeton Op Ed Denounces Honor Code as Racist

Pernicious rot seeps steadily down from the Ivy League to poison society. Now we learn that honor codes are racist. Emilly Santos writes in the Daily Princetonian:

American systems of legal administration enact violence against minority populations. Examining and re-considering these structures, such as the criminal justice system (CJS), is a crucial part of anti-racist action.

This is all settled social science. That’s why criminals are allowed to run loose wreaking havoc where liberals have achieved total dominance. Emilly applies the principle to her own world:

Princeton’s Honor Code, tasked with holding students accountable and honest in academic settings, mirrors the criminal justice system in its rules and effects. … [I]t is often most damaging for … students who also often belong to racial minorities.

Many minority students are allowed into Ivy League schools not because they are qualified but because they belong to preferred racial groups. Plunged in over their heads, some must resort to cheating in an attempt to keep up.

The University should lead by example by dismantling the Honor Code system, which acts as a barrier to social mobility and a more equitable society. Only once such internal injustices are addressed can we make real-world changes.

Today Princeton, tomorrow the world.

Miss Santos says getting suspended for cheating is especially hurtful to minorities because they are more likely to be attending school at other people’s expense, and are not eligible for financial aid for the repeated term. They might have to take out a loan and have to wait for Democrats to cancel their debt.

Like BIPOC criminals, BIPOC students should not have to live with the consequences of their behavior:

In the same way a criminal record haunts previous convicts, any Honor Code violation for which a student is found responsible follows them in their transcript, overshadowing the accomplishments of attaining a Princeton degree and making it difficult for students to find employment opportunities.

How attaining a Princeton degree counts as an accomplishment for people who are accepted due to their skin color and then allowed to get through by cheating is not explained.

Apply equity to academia, and standards collapse, reducing everything to farce. Let’s see what happens when you apply equity to a fashion runway:

On tips from Chris Neilson and Wiggins.


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