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Jul 18 2023

Pro-Pedophilia Noah Berlatsky Attacks Sound of Freedom

The liberal establishment’s hostility to the movie Sound of Freedom has been ferocious. Propagandists have even hauled out what they regard as their biggest gun, absurdly attempting to link it to January 6 by calling it “QAnon adjacent.”

At first this seemed to be a defensive reaction against proof that successful movies can be made outside progressive Hollyweird. However, the subject matter bothers the liberal establishment even more.

Exposing pedophilia and child trafficking is taboo. Why would that be? Noah Berlatsky offers a clue:

Berlatsky’s latest criticism of the drama focusing on the grave yet glossed over issue of child trafficking lambasted the movie with vitriolic scorn for perpetuating dangerous tropes, whilst he himself turned to the truly tired trope of accusing the movie of packaging together various QAnon conspiracy theories and being a movie made for alt-right boomers. There’s just one problem…Berlatsky has a sordid history of advocating for the normalization of pedophilia.

In 2021, Berlatsky was named the communications director at Prostasia, a non-profit organization which has dedicates itself to a self-avowed mission of protecting children from sexual abuse.

Those who have seen what LGBT advocates do to “protect” children they proclaim to be transsexual — up to and including genital mutilation — can guess what “protecting children from sexual abuse” means in this context.

It means raping them.

If there’s any doubt about Prostasia’s pro-pedophilia stance, the organization literally facilitates a safe space for pedophiles, which it has dubbed its MAP Support Club Partnership.

“MAPs” (minor-attracted persons) is what progressives call pedophiles in an attempt to normalize their crimes against children and against decency. Social engineers ostensibly mainstreamed homosexuality and even transsexuality virtually overnight. Pedophilia is next on the agenda.

This isn’t the first time Berlatsky attacked a movie for threatening to expose the child sex industry:

In 2016, he published a piece titled Child Sex Workers’ Biggest Threat: The Police with The New Republic. In the article, Berlatsky takes aim at the 2012 film Eden which is another drama centered around exposing the grim realities of child sex abuse.

Berlatsky took the position that children should be free to work in the sex industry.

On social media, he has made a pageant of his support for the sexual abuse of children:

A noted supporter of “trans-kids”, Berlatsky’s history of perverted tweets also takes aim at the relationship between parents and their children, a cornerstone of the transgender movement which seeks to obscure its brainwashing children into gender dysphoria with a cacophony of language designed by groomers.

Unsurprisingly, his Twitter account is now private. However, ZeroHedge has screenshots of the receipts.

The objective of Prostasia is to establish pedophiles as “marginalized,” like homosexuals and transvestites, with all the privileges and superior legal status that entails. As noted here the last time Berlatsky came to our attention,

If you have anything negative to say about pedophiles, get it off your chest now. In a few years, such talk will be forbidden, on pain of losing your job. We don’t tolerate homophobes; why should we tolerate pedophobes? Remember, all must be revered for who and how they love, so long as they don’t indulge in anything unwoke like heteronormativity.

Berlatsky extols the allegedly positive impact of pornography on children, and denounces parents as “an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.” Like many moonbats, he is a sick freak. He serves well as the personification of our cultural gatekeepers.

Those gatekeepers are failing where Sound of Freedom is concerned:

People understand that if the liberal establishment does not want you to watch something, you need to watch it.

On tips from Bluto and MrRightWingDave.


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5 Responses to “Pro-Pedophilia Noah Berlatsky Attacks Sound of Freedom”

  1. […] what the cultural gatekeepers feel we should not be allowed to see. Fortunately, as Sound of Freedom has been demonstrating, the cultural gatekeepers can be […]

  2. […] Mainly, it is because Sound of Freedom forcefully brings home the reality of the struggle between good and evil. The liberal establishment opposes this, because evil flourishes in the darkness. That’s why Bloomberg published an attack piece written by an actual child rape advocate. […]

  3. […] using the infamous Twinkie defense. Because Milk was a pervert who molested children, the same sort of liberals who don’t want you to see Sound of Freedom exploited his death to enshrine him as a martyr to […]

  4. […] keeping with liberal proclivities, Worrell has been a friend to those arrested for child […]


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