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Oct 27 2022

Probable Muslim Hate Hoax

Over the past 1,400 years, Islam has employed violence to expand at the expense of the Christian world. The Crusades were a noble attempt to reclaim the conquered holy lands, but amounted to too little too late. But now the Christians are the bad guys. Behold violent Islamophobia:

In March 2022, a prominent Muslim preacher, Uthman Ibn Farooq, told the world he had been stabbed in downtown San Diego by a man shouting anti-Muslim slurs at him. He recorded the incident as it happened and subsequently posted the video to social media, garnering sympathy from his thousands of Muslim followers and leaving many wondering if they’d be the next victim of an “Islamophobic” hate-crime.

This made headlines throughout the world. Uthman’s video of the incident has been viewed 417,000 times:

We don’t actually see the violence, but still, it must have happened:

Soon after the attack, Uthman stated he had filed a report of the attack with the San Diego police. After an apparent months-long search, Farooq revealed in September that the alleged attacker had finally been caught and arrested.

Oppressed Muslims can breathe a sigh of relief.

Oh wait:

The San Diego County District Attorney, which most likely would have been responsible for prosecuting Uthman’s attacker in court, has no record of the case.

An Uthman supporter responded to this revelation by spreading the word that he reported it to the La Mesa Police Department, the jurisdiction of which ends 12 miles away from where the attack ostensibly occurred. But like the SDPD, the LMPD has no record of it.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations characteristically publicized the alleged attack as Islamophobia. But now CAIR communications director Ibrahim Hooper refuses to respond to a request for comment.

It appears likely that the guy shouting outside Uthman’s car was an actor, and the stabbing never took place.

When a hate crime is too good to be true from the viewpoint of propagandists, that is almost certainly because it is not true.

Crybully hate hoax tactics are not only for moonbats. They appeal to anyone who rejects the concept of an objective reality outside their own dogma and therefore does not respect truth.

On tips from Brian Brandt.


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