Progressives Press Forward With Pedophilia
We know what comes next after the LGBTification of children: mainstreamed pedophilia. Liberal social engineers are not slowing down:
A leading academic journal has published an article questioning the need for age of consent laws and claiming that discussions of “youth sexuality” are unjustly hindered by “cancel culture.”
“Cancel culture” normally refers to the liberal establishment destroying people for failing to comply with its ideology. Looks like the term is getting repurposed, like the term “liberal,” which once meant the opposite of what it means now.
The author, Marshall Burns, is a physicist and technology entrepreneur who was involved in the development of the early computer industry and operates a website titled “Consenting Juveniles.”
In his article, which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in June and titled “The Elephant in the Room: Youth Sexuality,” Burns argues that “sexual relations between youths and adults” is wrongfully seen as a contentious issue in society.
Burns says he wants to protect children “from those who protect them from sex.” War is peace, freedom is slavery, rape is protection.
If people will believe that men are women, maybe they will buy the concept that children can meaningfully consent to sex with adults.
Burns was invited to present on the topic, “Consenting Juveniles: First-hand Accounts of Sex for Fun or Love” at a conference organized by the former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Eli Coleman.
In Germany, the pedophilia push has moved beyond academia and LBGT NGOs into the media:
The public radio station, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), aired the episode on July 26 titled “Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction.”
Pedophiles are victims of addition. Victims come first. The rest of us must bow before them.
They profiled a pedophile going under the name “Max” who defined pedophilia as “sexual preference that deviates from the norm” and justified his pedophilia by saying that heterosexual males do not “attack every woman” that they find attractive.
You see? Your children will be safe, even after the degenerate ruling class mainstreams pedophilia the way it mainstreamed homosexuality. Mostly safe, anyway.
At least they offered a glimpse of the mentality of pedophiles:
“I want to dominate. It’s like omnipotence: to destroy the child, to have power over the child, to humiliate and torment them all, and sadistic stuff like that,” said a pedophile referred to as Franz on the broadcast.
Now back to the mainstreaming:
A mother named Anna was profiled who allows a pedophile named Pascal to look after her children, using alleged sexism she has experienced in her life as an excuse to allow this predator to have access to her kids. Pascal admitted to becoming sexually aroused when viewing Anna’s children at home in the nude. He said that his fellow pedophiles should be allowed access to children as a form of therapy.
Love is love, as moonbats robotically remind us.
On tips from ABC of the ANC.
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