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Mar 19 2021

Restaurant Owners Remove Padlocked Doors

In light of who has been allowed to take control, you may wonder whether there are any Americans left in this country. There are a few — like the owners of Tinhorn Flats Saloon & Grill:

A judge ruled Tuesday that the city of Burbank can padlock the doors at a Burbank bar and restaurant that has continued operating despite the issuance of a temporary restraining order allowing the city to enforce its closure order.

That didn’t stop them. The owners took down the doors.

COVID-19 tyrants have tried to shut down Tinhorn Flats before:

[Last] Friday, the judge said the city could disconnect the electricity to the restaurant with 24 hours’ notice, but the eatery stayed operating Saturday and Sunday using generators, according to the city’s court papers.

They have been cooking food on a barbecue. That’s why bureaucrats escalated to padlocks.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health previously revoked the eatery’s health permit, and the Burbank City Council last month revoked its conditional-use permit.

Cash sanctions may have to be paid.

The city maintains the restaurant is an ongoing public nuisance.

On the contrary, it is COVID-19 tyrants who are a public nuisance. Americans in the full sense of the word don’t want “free” money to be repaid many times over through inflation. They want to be free to earn a living.

The county and city actions took place after numerous complaints were received about the Tinhorn’s continued offering of outdoor dining on its patio in violation of the applicable health officer orders at a time when such activity was banned in Los Angeles County, according to the suit. The ban was relaxed in late January.

No serious justification was ever offered for the conspicuously arbitrary ban on outdoor dining, which crushed businesses on the whim of petty tyrants like Sheila Kuehl.

On a tip from Lyle.


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