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Mar 07 2023

Satanists Enact Trans-Affirming Ritual

Two of Democrats’ most cherished causes are so evil as to inspire satanic rituals — first abortion and now transsexuality:

Satanists in Idaho have performed a “gender affirmation ritual” in an apparent attempt to deny the reality of biological sex, as a Bill to safeguard children from irreversible procedures progresses in the US state.

‘Satanic Idaho’ held the event at the State Capitol Building just days after the ‘Vulnerable Child Protection Act’ passed the state’s House of Representatives by a clear margin of 58 votes to 12.

Here’s what satanists and other liberals hope to stop:

If the Bill becomes law, medics who give children puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or ‘sex swap’ surgeries for the purpose of affirming gender-confusion could face up to ten years in prison.

Ten years is a wrist slap compared to what inflicting sex change surgery on children warrants.

The moonbat religion comes complete with ritual:

Speaking at the event, Rowan Astra instructed attendees to write the names and pronouns associated with their biological sex on a pieces of paper, which were then torn up and submerged in water.

She claimed: “Let us embrace the impulse to eat of the tree of knowledge, to imbibe in the knowledge of our true identities [yadda yadda yadda]”.

Eating of the tree of knowledge means following the lead of Adam of Eve by defying God at the bidding of the Devil. “True identities” as always with transsexualism means “objectively false identities.”

For America to be saved at this point might require the skies to open and holy water to fall in a cataract, melting moonbats like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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