Smashed Tablets: COP27 Blasphemy Atop Mount Sinai
If COP27 has made anything even more obvious than the hypocrisy of our globalist ruling class, it is that the imaginary climate crisis is not merely a hoax, but a religious cult that aspires to subvert, absorb, and displace established faiths. The Times of Israel has further confirmation:
An initiative to mobilize faith leaders worldwide to push governments to do more about climate change kicked off Sunday morning with an Israeli environmental activist smashing mock tablets of stone atop an Egyptian peak believed by many to be Mount Sinai…
The idea was hatched in the run up to the United Nations COP27 climate conference taking place in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, by solar energy entrepreneur Yosef Abramowitz and David Miron Wapner, who chairs the Jerusalem-based Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development.
Abramowitz ought to start his own television ministry. He could make a fortune as the Jimmy Swaggart of global warming profiteers, having the requisite flair for the theatrical:
After the group [of enviromoonbats] read from a new draft list of “Ten Principles for Climate Repentance,” formulated by dozens of multifaith leaders meeting in London over the past few days, Abramowitz smashed two tablets on the ground.
The Ten Principles, apparently intended to replace the Ten Commandments, are as tediously hackneyed as you might expect: “We are the stewards of this world”; “Everything in life is interconnected”; et cetera.
The act was a symbolic echo of the Bible’s Moses smashing the 10 Commandments in protest against the Israelites, after descending Mount Sinai.
For reasons beyond mortal understanding, this blasphemy did not evoke a bolt of lightning. Maybe next time.
Abramowitz barks his demands:
“We are calling on faith leaders to add to the sense of urgency and to have them weigh in, hopefully forcefully and globally, to push for the reduction by 50 percent, at least, of global warming emissions by 2030.”
Given our heavy reliance on fossil fuels for reliable and affordable energy, forcing such a radical reduction in harmless CO2 emissions would result in a collapse of the global economy and many millions of deaths by starvation. That’s what makes these otherwise ludicrous kooks so scary.
On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.
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[…] and inflation will remain high, because the globalist looting spree will continue — as the blasphemous and hypocritical meeting of the Liberal World Order’s climate cult at COP27 reminds […]