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Oct 13 2023

So-Called Asylum Seekers as Mercenaries

The invasion of the USA and displacement of its population by millions upon millions of welfare colonists from the Third World is not a spontaneous event. America’s destruction is a planned operation, organized by the nation’s enemies, both internal and external.

We have seen the treasonous Biden Administration actively assist the largest invasion in human history by disabling border defenses and transporting invaders deeper into the country. The objective is to fundamentally transform America into a different country that is more susceptible to leftist rule. Largely financed by American taxpayers, the hostile United Nations also plays a role:

[G]lobalist leaders are determined to weaken the world’s preeminent superpower, all in the pursuit of their “one world order” agenda, which aims to level the global playing field. This is where a recently rediscovered video becomes relevant. A couple of years ago, a startling video featuring a Haitian migrant who alleged that the UN had paid him to cross the border circulated, but it went largely unnoticed by the public. However, as Biden’s border crisis continues at unprecedented levels, the video has resurfaced, and this time, it has captured significantly more attention.

The video:

Clearly, penniless Haitians did not get to the Texas border on their own.

The establishment media has no interest in looking into this, because it shares the anti-American agenda of the Biden Regime and the United Nations.

On a tip from R F.


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2 Responses to “So-Called Asylum Seekers as Mercenaries”

  1. […] As for the money the United Nations bestows upon Hamas, that would dry up if US taxpayers were no longer forced to finance this pernicious organization, which also may be effectively at war with us. […]


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