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Oct 14 2023

A Better Idea Than Bombing Iran

Some have denounced Lindsey Graham for wanting to bomb Iran for supporting Hamas. But even if his rhetoric is reckless, he is to be applauded for wanting to cut off funding to this terror cult. Iran has been at war with the USA since 1979, has killed numerous Americans (e.g., Beirut Marine barracks, Khobar Towers, Iraq), and will have to be dealt with eventually, preferably before it has achieved its nuclear ambitions. However, driving up oil prices even higher by destroying Iranian oil fields would not be the most effective way to defund the satanic maniacs comprising Hamas.

Why not start closer to home, by prying loose from power the pro-Iranian Democrats who just handed the ayatollahs $6 billion, thereby freeing up funds to pass along to Hamas? After that, we can turn our attention to the European Union:

Across the Middle East, Europe’s strategy generally has been to marshal its domestic resources to buy influence abroad via generous aid. The EU describes itself as the “most important donor for the Palestinian people,” shoveling money into the Palestinian Authority directly and also via the United Nations refugee agency that is particularly active in Gaza.

It doesn’t occur to Eurocrats that the Hamas terrorists who represent the Palestinian people on a democratic basis care more about killing non-Muslims than they do about the free money that enables their dysfunctional handout-based society. Terrorists know they will keep getting the money no matter what they do anyway. Even following last weekend’s horrors, the EU quickly walked back a suggestion that it might hold back funding from Hamas.

This funding is foolish rather than evil, but the effect is same as that of the cash Biden freed up for Iran. If Iran has blood on its hands, so does Biden and so does the EU.

Bombing Brussels instead of Iran isn’t necessary. We can use the EU’s own tactic of achieving leverage through generosity. If Europeans want US taxpayers to spend $billions upon $billions making them feel safe from the Russians, they ought to at least be willing to stop pouring the money this frees up for them onto Palestinians. Not that we should be funding Europe’s defense anyway.

As for the money the United Nations bestows upon Hamas, that would dry up if US taxpayers were no longer forced to finance this pernicious organization, which also may be effectively at war with us.

On a tip from Varla.


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