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Jun 17 2023

Some Perverts Dog It, Others Branch Out

The liberal establishment has gone out of its way to underscore its reverence for sexual depravity. The emphasis on corrupting children makes clear that pedophilia is up next after homosexuality for normalization and then sanctification. What’s next after that?

Given that the disease presented to us as our culture is engineered and incubated in academia, maybe next up will be sex with dogs:

[Penn State University Professor Themis] Matsoukas was seen engaged in sexual acts with a dog near the restrooms at Rothrock Sate Forest on at least one occasion.

Park rangers reportedly identified the professor on the basis of his North Face backpack, present in the video where Matsoukas was allegedly otherwise naked but for his socks and shoes.

North Face. Perfect.

The trail camera, set up to monitor people stealing bags of hand sanitizer from the state park restrooms in the Alan Seeger Parking Area, reportedly filmed a man in a state of undress masturbating, molesting a collie, and performing other lewd acts while trying to record the degenerate performance on an electronic device, reported WPMT.

The [Department of Conservation and Natural Resources] indicated the area where the alleged acts took place was within viewing distance of Stone Creek Road, frequently transited by visitors on their way to the nearby picnic area, campgrounds, and Penn Roosevelt State Park.

Incidentally, “dogging” is a British euphemism for engaging in sexual acts in public.

Professor Matsoukas explains why he records himself raping his dog:

“I do it to blow off steam.”

Unfortunately for Matsoukas, he is slightly ahead of his time. He has been relieved of his duties and faces various criminal charges. On the bright side, when mainstream culture catches up with him, he will be remembered as a martyr. The Navy might name a ship after him.

Then again, given their anachronistic worship of primitive nature gods like the Climate, liberals might take up the cause of having sex with plants:

A naked man was arrested after apparently having sex with a tree. Police were called to a park in Salisbury in Wiltshire [England] after reports from members of the public.

Video shows the man kissing and rubbing against the stump on Tuesday. Onlookers say 25 people were in the area at the time enjoying the heatwave.

He too is ahead of his time. The sexual pioneer has been arrested for “suspicion of indecent exposure” according to Wiltshire Police


You were warned not to watch.

Be sure not to express disapproval of these activities on social media, lest you later find yourself canceled for being a pedophobe, cynophobe, or botanophobe.

On tips from Varla, Ed McAninch, John Doe 123, Jack D, MrRightWingDave, Heckrules, and Wiggins.


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