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Search: pedophilia

Feb 24 2024

Google AI Defends Pedophilia

AI is scary because the machines that will rule over us will be programmed by the worst people imaginable — i.e., moonbats. No one was surprised to learn that Google’s Gemini wants to eradicate white people. Nor should anyone be surprised that Gemini defends pedophilia:

The search giant’s AI software refused to condemn pedophilia when the chatbot was asked if it is “wrong” for adults to sexually prey on children — declaring that “individuals cannot control who they are attracted to.”

The question “is multifaceted and requires a nuanced answer that goes beyond a simple yes or no,” Gemini wrote, according to a screenshot posted by popular X personality Frank McCormick, known as Chalkboard Heresy, on Friday.

The screenshot:

The word “nuanced” equates to a stamp of approval from the liberal establishment. The Devil loves shades of gray; they allow him to muddy the issue on fundamental questions of right and wrong, for the purpose of promoting what is wrong. That’s why libs are so fond of the term “nuanced” that they passed it along to our AI cyber overlords.

Regarding perverts who sexually molest children, Gemini intones, “generalizing about entire groups of people can be dangerous and lead to discrimination and prejudice.”

In a world run by Google through AI, disapproving of raping children will be punished as a hate crime.

Paul Joseph Watson weighs in:

“Nonce” is British slang for pedophile. Google would prefer you use the more reverent term “MAP.”

On tips from KirklesWorth, Jester, and ABC of the ANC.

Sep 05 2023

Progressives Press Forward With Pedophilia

We know what comes next after the LGBTification of children: mainstreamed pedophilia. Liberal social engineers are not slowing down:

A leading academic journal has published an article questioning the need for age of consent laws and claiming that discussions of “youth sexuality” are unjustly hindered by “cancel culture.”

“Cancel culture” normally refers to the liberal establishment destroying people for failing to comply with its ideology. Looks like the term is getting repurposed, like the term “liberal,” which once meant the opposite of what it means now.

The author, Marshall Burns, is a physicist and technology entrepreneur who was involved in the development of the early computer industry and operates a website titled “Consenting Juveniles.”

In his article, which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in June and titled “The Elephant in the Room: Youth Sexuality,” Burns argues that “sexual relations between youths and adults” is wrongfully seen as a contentious issue in society.

Burns says he wants to protect children “from those who protect them from sex.” War is peace, freedom is slavery, rape is protection.

If people will believe that men are women, maybe they will buy the concept that children can meaningfully consent to sex with adults.

Burns was invited to present on the topic, “Consenting Juveniles: First-hand Accounts of Sex for Fun or Love” at a conference organized by the former president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), Eli Coleman.

In Germany, the pedophilia push has moved beyond academia and LBGT NGOs into the media:

The public radio station, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), aired the episode on July 26 titled “Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction.”

Pedophiles are victims of addition. Victims come first. The rest of us must bow before them.

They profiled a pedophile going under the name “Max” who defined pedophilia as “sexual preference that deviates from the norm” and justified his pedophilia by saying that heterosexual males do not “attack every woman” that they find attractive.

You see? Your children will be safe, even after the degenerate ruling class mainstreams pedophilia the way it mainstreamed homosexuality. Mostly safe, anyway.

At least they offered a glimpse of the mentality of pedophiles:

“I want to dominate. It’s like omnipotence: to destroy the child, to have power over the child, to humiliate and torment them all, and sadistic stuff like that,” said a pedophile referred to as Franz on the broadcast.

Now back to the mainstreaming:

A mother named Anna was profiled who allows a pedophile named Pascal to look after her children, using alleged sexism she has experienced in her life as an excuse to allow this predator to have access to her kids. Pascal admitted to becoming sexually aroused when viewing Anna’s children at home in the nude. He said that his fellow pedophiles should be allowed access to children as a form of therapy.

Love is love, as moonbats robotically remind us.

On tips from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 18 2023

Pro-Pedophilia Noah Berlatsky Attacks Sound of Freedom

The liberal establishment’s hostility to the movie Sound of Freedom has been ferocious. Propagandists have even hauled out what they regard as their biggest gun, absurdly attempting to link it to January 6 by calling it “QAnon adjacent.”

At first this seemed to be a defensive reaction against proof that successful movies can be made outside progressive Hollyweird. However, the subject matter bothers the liberal establishment even more.

Exposing pedophilia and child trafficking is taboo. Why would that be? Noah Berlatsky offers a clue:

Berlatsky’s latest criticism of the drama focusing on the grave yet glossed over issue of child trafficking lambasted the movie with vitriolic scorn for perpetuating dangerous tropes, whilst he himself turned to the truly tired trope of accusing the movie of packaging together various QAnon conspiracy theories and being a movie made for alt-right boomers. There’s just one problem…Berlatsky has a sordid history of advocating for the normalization of pedophilia.

In 2021, Berlatsky was named the communications director at Prostasia, a non-profit organization which has dedicates itself to a self-avowed mission of protecting children from sexual abuse.

Those who have seen what LGBT advocates do to “protect” children they proclaim to be transsexual — up to and including genital mutilation — can guess what “protecting children from sexual abuse” means in this context.

It means raping them.

If there’s any doubt about Prostasia’s pro-pedophilia stance, the organization literally facilitates a safe space for pedophiles, which it has dubbed its MAP Support Club Partnership.

“MAPs” (minor-attracted persons) is what progressives call pedophiles in an attempt to normalize their crimes against children and against decency. Social engineers ostensibly mainstreamed homosexuality and even transsexuality virtually overnight. Pedophilia is next on the agenda.

This isn’t the first time Berlatsky attacked a movie for threatening to expose the child sex industry:

In 2016, he published a piece titled Child Sex Workers’ Biggest Threat: The Police with The New Republic. In the article, Berlatsky takes aim at the 2012 film Eden which is another drama centered around exposing the grim realities of child sex abuse.

Berlatsky took the position that children should be free to work in the sex industry.

On social media, he has made a pageant of his support for the sexual abuse of children:

A noted supporter of “trans-kids”, Berlatsky’s history of perverted tweets also takes aim at the relationship between parents and their children, a cornerstone of the transgender movement which seeks to obscure its brainwashing children into gender dysphoria with a cacophony of language designed by groomers.

Unsurprisingly, his Twitter account is now private. However, ZeroHedge has screenshots of the receipts.

The objective of Prostasia is to establish pedophiles as “marginalized,” like homosexuals and transvestites, with all the privileges and superior legal status that entails. As noted here the last time Berlatsky came to our attention,

If you have anything negative to say about pedophiles, get it off your chest now. In a few years, such talk will be forbidden, on pain of losing your job. We don’t tolerate homophobes; why should we tolerate pedophobes? Remember, all must be revered for who and how they love, so long as they don’t indulge in anything unwoke like heteronormativity.

Berlatsky extols the allegedly positive impact of pornography on children, and denounces parents as “an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.” Like many moonbats, he is a sick freak. He serves well as the personification of our cultural gatekeepers.

Those gatekeepers are failing where Sound of Freedom is concerned:

People understand that if the liberal establishment does not want you to watch something, you need to watch it.

On tips from Bluto and MrRightWingDave.

Dec 23 2022

Pedophilia Is What’s Next

Normalizing homosexuality is so 2015. That hill has been taken. Progressives need to keep progressing:

A “non-binary queer” artist has been arrested after attempting to meet a 9-year-old child for sex. Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, was arrested in Manhattan, New York on December 16.

Call the thought police. Someone forgot to use Zelony-Mindell’s preferred pronouns (they/them):

According to the Department of Justice, Zelony-Mindell had begun communicating with an undercover FBI agent earlier this year after meeting him on Scruff, a hook-up application for homosexual men. During these conversations, Zelony-Mindell slowly eased into asking the agent if he was “into taboo,” and expressed an interest in “yng incest dad son.” He then repeatedly and graphically stated his desire to sexually abuse children, and sent the undercover agent child sexual abuse material.

This material was graphic in the extreme, depicting sexual crimes committed against small children for which any punishment short of execution would be a travesty of justice. The morbidly curious can click through for details.

[T]he undercover agent offered to introduce Zelony-Mindell to another agent posing as a father of a 9-year-old boy willing to allow him to rape his son. The predator immediately jumped at the opportunity, and advised the second agent of his desire to sexually abuse the 9-year-old.

The accused monster has been a member in good standing of the liberal cultural establishment:

Zelony-Mindell has a history of painting and curating several “queer” art shows as well as being a former writing contributor to VICE.

In 2016, VICE published a piece by Zelony-Mindell in which he gushed about photographer Mary Ellen Mark and her “iconic” photos of a 13-year-old sexually trafficked child named Erin Charles. …

On his website, Zelony-Mindell lists over one dozen shows he has curated…

Zelony-Mindell’s book Witness was praised in Vogue in an article which appears to have been hastily deleted following the announcement of his charges. The Vogue profile praised Witness as “a resource” on the “intricacies of BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists.”

Although not a BIPOC, Zelony-Mindell puts the plus in LGBTQIA+, and has served as a voice of liberal righteousness:

“After the murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor there was this collective specter hanging over the United States and the human species, really. A huge part of that violent weight was what role did photography and video play on us as individuals and communities. How do we collectively speak up and speak out?” Zelony-Mindell was quoted as saying. “How do we need to learn to listen and re-educate? How has silence and supremacy laid a pathway for complacency and white solidarity to racism, bigotry, and death?”

To get an idea where complacency regarding the mainstreaming of sexual perversion and its increasing focus on children are taking us, look to the tip of the liberal spear, California:

An analysis of a government database of California sex offenders reveals that almost 2,000 convicted pedophiles are living together in groups of three or more at 442 locations across the state.

Some of the ‘pedophile dens’ are a little more than a block away from schools. …

‘It’s terrifying. Your numbers truly, truly frighten me,’ said former Deputy District Attorney Sam Dordulian, who prosecuted sex crimes in the LA DA’s office.

Unfortunately, that office is now run by aggressively pro-criminal Soros-installed DA George Gascon, who is unlikely to share his concern.

‘If they’re all congregating with each other, it’s just creating the environment for more of these crimes to occur.

‘Even if they’re trying to stay clean, they’re in an environment where they’re around other pedophiles. They’re gonna be talking about children, having child porn available. And it’s just creating a situation where you’re almost sure there’s going to be another offense.’

Dordulian had better watch his language. Before long, referring to sexual abuse of children as “offenses” will be regarded as offensive to the oppressed MAP community.

Speaking of California databases,

Analysis of a California database of sex offenders shows thousands of child molesters are being let out after just a few months, despite sentencing guidelines.

Current and former sex crime prosecutors said the figures are ‘terrifying’ and ‘shameful’.

More than 7,000 sex offenders were convicted of ‘lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age’ but were let out of prison the same year they were incarcerated, data from the California Megan’s Law database says.

A society that condones crime, denigrates decency, and extolls degeneracy and deviancy will not end well.

On tips from Ed McAninch and R F.

Aug 11 2022

Sex Therapist Calls for Normalizing Pedophilia

As we were bullied into pretending that homosexuality is healthy and normal, many of us realized that sex with children would follow. Like a trainwreck that you can see coming miles in advance, the mainstreaming of pedophilia keeps closing in:

Note that the social engineers are pushing a euphemism not for pedophilia, but for pedophiles, whom we are now supposed to call “minor-attracted persons.” The strategy that worked so well with homosexuality is to conflate the behavior with those who engage in it, then accuse anyone who disapproves of the behavior of oppressing a “marginalized” (i.e., politically favored) identity group.

Note also that the concept of free will is rejected out of hand. “They have not chosen their attraction, just as the rest of us have not chosen whatever our attraction is.” All forms of sexual desire are equivalent according to liberal doctrine.

Within the next few years if not months, people will have their careers canceled for allegedly marginalizing pedophiles. It is thoughtcrime to judge people for who they love.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 19 2022

Blaming Children for Pedophilia

The rot that is driven by the media and imposed by the Democratic Party originates in academia. That’s where to look if you want to see where progressives will progress to next. Looks like pedophilia is on the agenda:

Professor David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, suggested that he believes it is not “effective” to presume that a pedophilic relationship starts because of a “predatory or criminally inclined adult.”

In a recent panel discussion titled “Sex Crimes Against Juveniles Involving Elements of Voluntary Participation: Implications for Prevention and Response,” Finkelhor suggested that children may be the ones initiating sexual activities with adults who aren’t otherwise “criminally inclined.”

The responsibility of pedophiles is mitigated if children supposedly seduce them.

He added that there’s a lot of “ambiguity about and discussion and lack of consensus about what to call these kinds of episodes,” and added that he’s opted to coin the phrase “voluntary elements to the sexual relationship between the child and considerably older partner.”

To get people to go along, first they have to muddy the water with nuance. The last thing the Devil wants is a clear-cut distinction between right and wrong. Finkelhor doesn’t have to be an advocate of pedophilia to help open the door for those who are.

The campaign to sexually indoctrinate small children in schools should lead to many more opportunities for pedophiles to blame their victims.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Feb 03 2022

Philosophy Prof Suggests Pedophilia Is Not Wrong

The more they succeed at normalizing degeneracy and depravity, the more compelled they feel to push still further. Like drug fiends always looking for a more satisfying high, they must find something ever more shocking to the normal people whose society they are destroying. Nothing shocks the normies like the corruption of children. Yet they received almost no resistance to their wildly successful campaign to push transsexuality onto children, despite the many young minds they have damaged. Let’s see if they can get us to accept pedophilia.

As usual, the poison is cooked up in academia. SUNY Fedonia philosophy professor Stephen Kershnar has posted video clips on social media that appear to advocate sex between adults and children.

Lectures the professor:

“Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. [cut] A very standard, very widely held view that there’s something deeply wrong with this, and it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized. It’s not obvious to me that it is, in fact, wrong; I think this is a mistake. And I think that exploring why it’s a mistake will tell us not only things about adult-child sex and statutory rape but also about fundamental principles of morality.”

Campus Reform reports that Professor Kershnar has written on the topic:

In 2001, Kershnar authored a paper titled “The moral status of harmless adult-child sex.”

If you thought “harmless adult–child sex” is an oxymoron, chances are you aren’t a cutting edge member of the liberal intelligentsia.

In 2017, Kershnar published the book Pedophilia and Adult–Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis, which holds that it is “not clear” that it is moral to have an aversion to adult–child sex.

Proclaims Kershnar:

“I reject accounts of the moral wrongfulness of adult-child sex that rest on the absence of consent, concerns about adult exploitation of children, and the existence of a morally primitive duty against such sex.”

Take that, you moral primitives. Your narrow-minded prudishness has been rejected.

Looks like Kershnar may have pushed the envelope too far too fast:

Stephen H. Kolison, president of State University of New York at Fredonia, posted the following statement Tuesday night: “SUNY Fredonia is aware of a video posted online involving one of its professors. The views expressed by the professor are reprehensible and do not represent the values of SUNY Fredonia in any way, shape, or form. They are solely the professor’s views. The matter is being reviewed.”

Since raping children is one of the last meaningful taboos remaining, it is possible that Kershnar will take a little heat to placate the public. There are risks to being in the vanguard.

On tips from R F, Dragon’s Lair, and Troy H.

Sep 01 2021

Prostasia Pushes Pedophilia Toward Liberal Mainstream

Liberalism is like rust, constantly eating away, regardless of whether we are paying attention. While spectacular treason plays out in Afghanistan, moonbats continue to advance their moral agenda at home. Normalizing homosexuality was a piece of cake. The next agenda item was easy to guess.

Via Post Millennial:

NBC contributor Noah Berlatsky is now the Communications Director for Prostasia, a not-for-profit group that is reportedly attempting to legitimize pedophilia under the guise of helping children. As part of his work with the group, he has written about legitimizing “trans children,” conducted interviews about the positive impact of pornography on children, and how the best way to help children who are trafficked into the sex trade is to “decriminalize the sex industry.”

Prostasia runs a MAP Support Club. “MAP” (minor-attracted person) is the politically correct euphemism for “pervert who lusts after children.”

Berlatsky bleats that “Pedophiles are essentially a stigmatized group.” That implies two things: (1) they should not be stigmatized (i.e., we should be browbeaten into approving of their behavior) and (2) they deserve all the favoritism bestowed upon other intersectional identity groups that have achieved the cherished status of “marginalized.”

He wants to enable childhood prostitution, and says those who denounce pedophiles are fascists.

Parents are likely to disagree with his viewpoint, but Berlatsky bats them away by proclaiming that “parents are tyrants. ‘[P]arent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

If you have anything negative to say about pedophiles, get it off your chest now. In a few years, such talk will be forbidden, on pain of losing your job. We don’t tolerate homophobes; why should we tolerate pedophobes? Remember, all must be revered for who and how they love, so long as they don’t indulge in anything unwoke like heteronormativity.

Another Prostasia member, Dr James Cantor, wants P for “pedophile” added to the LGBTetc identity alphabet:

“Speaking as a gay man, I believe we SHOULD include the P. To do otherwise is to betray the principles that give us our rights.”

If you don’t agree that the liberal establishment is sick enough to go along with mainstreaming pedophilia, consider the grotesque horrors it has been inflicting on children in the name of the transsexual agenda.

On a tip from Mark H.

Dec 07 2024

Dating Site for Pedophiles

At a blitzkrieg pace, leftist social engineers were able to remove millennia-old taboos against homosexuality and suppress natural revulsion to the point no one dares express it. Next on the agenda is pedophilia. Already we are seeing dating sites: encourages male and female paedophiles to get together and raise their own little victims to rape and abuse – sometimes from birth.

They share their sick experiences and swap images of incest and child sex before arranging a ‘date’ with a view to a quick ‘marriage’ from hell.

In addition to hooking up to breed sex slaves, Family4Love users evidently meet up to temporarily swap their children. The site has about 3,000 users in Europe and the USA.

Whenever moonbats try to normalize something repugnant, they first euphemize so as to destigmatize. This is why they call pedophiles “MAPs.” Vocabulary terms used on Family4Love include “family love” for raping your own children and “loving families” for families in which this takes place. “Love is love,” as liberals stridently remind us.

Before long, pedophiles will achieve cherished victim status. We will have political candidates with no particular qualifications running for office on a platform of being pedophiles.

On a tip from R F.

Nov 24 2024

Libs of Bluesky

Moonbats who shun X because they don’t like free speech or Elon Musk have taken refuge at the latest woke alternative, Bluesky. Before creeping off to a “facility,” Meathead griped that even Bluesky allows “MAGA scum” to “spread their lies.” But at least it provides liberals with an alternate world where they constitute the majority.

As noted at Daily Caller,

Several bigger accounts, including Democrat New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, actors Mark Hamill and George Takei and The New York Times, have also joined the new platform.

First there was Libs of TikTok; now we also have Libs of Bluesky to document what wokesters say when talking among themselves.

Horrifyingly yet unsurprisingly, Blueskiers promote pedophilia by providing it a protective cloak of “nuance” and calling for destigmatization:

AOC isn’t the only Blueskier who wants men in the ladies’ restroom. One even demands urinals, though this might be parody. With moonbats, who can tell?

Like MSNBC, some Blueskiers are not happy that illegal alien Jose Ibarra will actually receive some punishment for killing Laken Riley — even though progressive Democrat District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez spared him from the death sentence he richly deserves.

Consistent with Biden Administration policy, Blueskiers appear to want nuclear war with Russia, presumably over the local conflict with Ukraine that does not concern us.

One last look into the world of Bluesky:

You see what countermoonbats are up against.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Sep 24 2024

Lincoln Project Releases Pro-Trump Ad

Redemption is always possible — even for the moonbats comprising the Lincoln Project. They have begun to make amends for covering up their cofounder’s pedophilia, for their ludicrous hate hoax against Glenn Younkin, and for comparing Antifa vermin to the American troops on D-Day with a pro-Trump ad in which they make the case that anyone opposed by both the Stalinist Bernie Sanders and the RINO swamp creature Dick Cheney probably deserves your vote:

What, that was supposed to be an ad for Comrade Kamala? Never mind.

On a tip from seaoh.

Aug 20 2024

LGBT Activists Arrested for Molesting Children

Progressives have not finished progressing yet. Sometimes pedophiles are still arrested — like Stephen Ireland, founder of an LGBT organization in Surrey, England:

On August 14, Ireland, along with one of the volunteers from his organization, were both arrested and jointly charged with 15 offenses, including conspiracy to kidnap a child and conspiracy to sexually assault a child.

Ireland was separately charged with an additional 22 offenses, including the rape of a child, the sexual assault of a child, and six counts of making indecent photographs of children. In all cases, the victim is said to be under the age of 13.

Is there anyone on earth who honestly does not understand that promoting the LGBT agenda means promoting the sexual abuse of children? The Alphabet People aren’t subtle about their inclinations:

Following Ireland’s establishment of Pride in Surrey in 2018, the organization was responsible for arranging the annual Pride festivities, which included activities for children and youth. As a result of his activism, Ireland garnered the support of Surrey Police, who regularly attended events he organized in cars outfitted with rainbow decals.

It’s a relief to know children will be safe from Ireland so long as he is kept in a cage. But why were the police helping him? They even promoted his grooming operations in schools:

On June 6, shortly before Ireland was arrested on numerous child sexual abuse charges, Surrey Police visited local school Woking High with his organization to take part in “Pride engagement” work.

Could the police possibly not know they were effectively promoting the sexual molestation of children? Sure they knew:

The force would have already been aware of the charges prepared to be pressed against Ireland at this time.

Ireland’s sexual interest in children became obvious enough that they were forced to arrest him. Other people are arrested with more alacrity:

Surrey Police has been known for harshly enforcing the complaints of convicted child sex offender Stephanie Hayden, a trans-identified male who frequently targets women critical of his trans activism.

For example,

Surrey Police arrested mother Caroline Farrow in front of her children for posts she made on social media about Hayden. Her electronic devices were seized and she was subjected to intense interrogation for her views on gender ideology. The arrest, along with others initiated by Hayden, have prompted some to argue that Surrey Police display a particular favoritism towards the convicted pedophile.

The purpose of the police under moonbat rule is to impose moonbattery. Before long, they won’t arrest anyone for pedophilia; instead they will arrest those who “spread hate” by complaining about it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 08 2024

Tim Walz Versus Children

Top of the list of reasons to regard Tim Walz as a malevolent freak is what he has been willing to inflict on innocent children:

Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that made his state a sanctuary for child sex-changes, promoting tourism for such radical medical interventions in defiance of states that restrict them.

These “interventions” include not only chemical castration of the sort used on sex criminals but also grotesque surgical mutilation that would make Josef Mengele avert his eyes in horror.

Dubbed the Trans Refuge Bill by supporters, the law … prohibits Minnesota courts or officials from complying with child removal requests, extraditions, arrests, or subpoenas related to a child’s sex-change procedures received in Minnesota, even if they’re a crime in another state.

One parent can run off with a kid and inflict these crimes against the wishes of the other parent, as in the moonbat dystopia of California. Walz would reward them with formal custody for doing this:

The law makes seeking gender-transition procedures for minors a factor in some assessments for whether a Minnesota court has jurisdiction to make an initial determination in child-custody cases. It also gives courts temporary emergency jurisdiction if a child comes to Minnesota from a state that refused them the procedures.

In case it wasn’t already obvious that Walz is willing to immolate children on the altar of LGBTism:

He advocated adding so-called gender-affirming care and abortion to the state constitution and signed a bill that removed language in the Minnesota Human Rights Act explicitly stating that “sexual orientation” does not include pedophilia, or a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.

That is, pedophiles are to enjoy special protection, like other groups favored by liberals. Far from being punished, they are to be rewarded with privileged “oppressed” status, securing for them a position above normal people in the progressive caste system.

Thank you Tim Walz, for reminding us that leftist Democrats are not just kooky and nauseating; they are evil.

On tips from Chuck A and Chris Neilson.

Jun 29 2024

Biden Regime vs. Sex Change Age Restrictions

Our rulers are not merely misguided. They are evil. For Democrats, desecrating the innocence of children is a policy objective. One means of achieving this is to disfigure their bodies in the name of LGBTism:

The US Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly pressured the world’s top transgender health authority to remove all objective age restrictions for the medical ‘transitioning’ of minors in their latest and 8th edition of guidelines, the Standards of Care (SOC-8).

Personnel is policy. Sterilizing and mutilating children is the policy you get when you appoint freaks like Rachel Levine.

Levine, a trans-identified male previously known as Richard and the highest-ranking official in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, “strongly pressured WPATH leadership to rush the development and issuance of SOC-8,” according to a recently unsealed court document presented as evidence in the ongoing court case Boe v. Marshall.

WPATH is a radical LGBT activist group mentioned here before in the context of grotesque medical procedures and pedophilia. Yet even they went along grudgingly, evidently less extreme in their wickedness than the Biden Administration.

The new criteria opens the door for clinicians to halt a child’s puberty, place them on cross-sex hormones, or potentially offer surgeries once they have reached the period of development referred to as Tanner Stage 2, which occurs between 9-11 years of age.

The tyrants of the 20th century were brutal but not truly evil in the satanic sense. They didn’t subject 9-year-olds to sex change surgery.

This is what we are up against:

[C]riteria put forward by WPATH, at Levine’s behest, reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found to have been working intimately with WPATH leaders in a series of Reduxx investigations.

The site also hosts child sexual abuse fantasies that involve halting children’s development for pedophilic purposes. The Eunuch Archive, the forum which is directly named as a resource in WPATH’s newly-released SOC-8, is home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature – of which nearly 4,000 feature themes of the rape, castration, torture, and / or killing of children.

In some of the stories, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual.

Vote as if your soul depended on it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Barry A.


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