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Jan 25 2025

South Africa’s Expropriation Bill Becomes Law

Leftists upset that Trump has been turning back their agenda can take solace that progress marches on in the rainbow utopia South Africa.

Via Daily Investor:

President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the controversial Expropriation Bill into law, which sets out how organs of state can expropriate land in the public interest.

When Marxists say “public interest,” they mean “our interest.”

“Local, provincial and national authorities will use this legislation to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources,” the government said.

“Inclusivity” is a euphemism for “equity,” which in turn is a euphemism for “communism.”

The Democratic Alliance warned previously:

The ANC-led government … has snuck a provision into the bill to allow for expropriation with “nil compensation”, in the hopes that this would pass constitutional muster.

South Africa may have passed a tipping point beyond which a constitution can barely slow down the descent into tyranny and ruin.

Without property rights, there are no rights. Ask anyone who has lived under communism.

Next stop: Zimbabwe.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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