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Feb 28 2023

Syracuse University Presents Woke Future of Healthcare

Academia has led the way in destroying Western medicine in the name of wokeism. Naturally, it leads the way in providing the replacement:

Diane Schenandoah does not have any formal medical training to assist students, instead she has multiple art degrees, including one in three-dimensional art from Syracuse University. She currently is hosting a series of “meditation” sessions along with her monthly “moon sessions,” according to the university.

Ms. Schenandoah is an expert in smudging.

“Smudging” involves burning sage to get rid of “negative energy.”

She is also adept with tuning forks, which provide an accessible alternative to elaborate technology like MRI machines.

Tuning forks can be used “in conjunction with acupressure points to work directly with sound on the body, to balance and regulate your spiritual and emotional energy channels,” according to a musical instrument and healing website.

Although Syracuse University has her on the payroll, exactly why they pay her is not clear:

“There was really no definitive direction in the job description other than helping students. I talk with students about finding their center and their balance” the healer stated in a campus news release.

This is done in part through dream interpretation and ceremonies that honor Grandmother Moon.

Happily, we will be able to afford indigenous healers even after Democrats have finished incrementally nationalizing the healthcare industry.

On a tip from Steve T.


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