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Feb 21 2024

Systemic Euthanasia During Covid Alleged in UK

If “Dr.” Jill and the rest of Biden’s handlers would euthanize unborn babies for having Edwards syndrome, who is to say government-run healthcare wouldn’t euthanize you because Covid?

Explosive leaked documents have emerged that show medical staff were ordered to euthanize patients who had been admitted to hospital and tested positive for COVID-19.

The official documents were leaked from the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS).

That would be the NHS that wants newborns to be “chestfed” with milk from chemically transmogrified men.

The docs further confirm the previous reporting from Slay News that revealed patients were euthanized in order to boost the numbers for “Covid deaths.”

It is alleged that elderly people were offed with fatal doses of midazolam, then added to the Covid stats. This helped whip up hysteria in support of lockdowns and vaccines. Killing older people also makes socialized medicine more affordable.

Something to keep in mind when they hit us with Disease X.

On a tip from R F.


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