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Apr 12 2024

Taxes Fund Malevolent Agenda at Municipal Level

It isn’t only at the federal level that liberals have been spending us into oblivion. Consider cities like Denver and San Antonio.

Regarding Denver:

As for San Antonio:

San Antonio City Council included $500,000 for a “Reproductive Justice Fund” in its 2024 budget. Councilmembers said they intended to provide grants to organizations that pay for out-of-state abortions and even assist with illegal chemical abortions in Texas.

Procuring out-of-state abortions…

…is a criminal act when any part of the procurement process occurs within Texas.

But if rule of law were binding on Democrats, Biden would not be defying a Supreme Court ruling to make us pay $billions more to cancel student loan debt.

These looters must be pried from power at every level of government, lest they spend our last penny on their pernicious agenda.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.


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