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Feb 17 2021

Teachers Want to Cancel Shakespeare for His Whiteness

No one who represents Western Civilization is safe from progressives. These cultural vandals would cancel Beethoven for being white. Educators on the cutting edge of wokeness would cancel Shakespeare:

“This is about white supremacy and colonization,” declared the teachers who founded #DisruptTexts, a group that wants staples of Western literature removed or subjected to withering criticism.

Like everyone who lived before right now, Shakespeare had a viewpoint that needs to be erased from history because it was “problematic.” He has been found guilty of the ultimate crime, “whiteness.”

If Shakespeare must be taught, these educators say, then it should be presented with watered-down versions of the original or supplemental texts focused on equality issues.

For now, Shakespeare is still allowed, but in some classes can only be studied in the context of Marxist theory and “toxic masculinity analysis.”

The School Library Journal, which describes itself as “the premier publication for librarians and information specialists who work with children and teens,” joined the fight this year and offered young adult novels as alternatives to Shakespeare.

No doubt the young adult novels replacing Shakespeare are carefully chosen on the basis of the race, sexual identity, and left-wing political outlook of their authors. As the public is continually dumbed down, young adult novels will become suitable reading for adults, so long as people are still able to read.

At the rate moonbattery is progressing, anyone who has earned the disfavor of the social engineers today is likely to be banned completely tomorrow. In no time, merely suggesting that the last copy of Shakespeare’s work should be spared from the bonfire will get you canceled. To speak his name will be racist and therefore forbidden.

This isn’t just a matter of policy preferences. The fight against what we now call “liberalism” is a desperate struggle to keep civilization alive.

On a tip from Varla.


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One Response to “Teachers Want to Cancel Shakespeare for His Whiteness”

  1. […] will still have a culture, even after leftists have canceled classical literature like Shakespeare, classical music like Beethoven, classic movies like Gone With the Wind, classic TV shows like The […]


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