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Aug 05 2022

Teaching Transsexualized Boys to Pole Dance in Public

If moonbats forbid you to say something, it is probably true. Twitter recently banned the word “groomer” on the grounds that it is an anti-LGBT slur. This was done because the LGBT crowd is composed largely of perverts who prey on children — a.k.a. groomers. Yet another example, this one from the Keystone State:

This grotesque scene apparently took place over the weekend at the Pride Festival of Central PA.

As part of the media establishment, Fox News sometimes promotes transsexualizing children, but this time it takes a more neutral stance:

[T]he Pride Festival of Central Pennsylvania stood by the actions of the man in the video who was identified as hairdresser Mikee Bentz.

Even after having been exposed as a groomer, the aptly named Bentz is defiant:

“I am proud to offer Harrisburg/Central Pennsylvania an avenue for fitness, creativity, artistry, and expression in businesses that are not only operated at the highest level of ethical behavior, but that also take into account inclusivity and a deep appreciation for protecting the environment,” Bentz said.

Democrat Governor Tom Wolf unsurprisingly gave the event a thumbs up:

Society either belongs to degenerates or it belongs to decent people. It cannot belong to both.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.


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