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Jul 26 2024

Thank Biden/Harris for Pro-Hamas Vandalism

From the first day, the top priority of the Biden/Harris Regime has been to repeal all things Trump. Many of the effects of this have been insidious. As we were reminded by the Democrat base’s welcoming party for Netanyahu, other effects are obvious to the eye:

The Washington Times Senior Congressional Reporter Kerry Picket wrote that the “National Park Service on Thursday began removing graffiti and repairing statues … that protesters damaged the day before.”

The American flag torn down and burned so it could be replaced with the Palestinian flag is beyond repair.

Picket pointed out that graffiti spray-painted by rioters by protesters on the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain next to the Capitol grounds “will need several days of cleaning treatment, according to a Park Service worker.” …

“Former President Donald Trump issued an executive order in June 2020, during the [Black Lives Matter (BLM)] riots,” Picket noted.

She explained that the order had directed “federal law enforcement to prosecute individuals who damaged monuments and threaten[ed] to withhold funding from local governments that failed to protect their own statues from vandals.”

The Biden-Harris administration “rescinded that order on May 14, 2021.”

Consequently, pro-Hamas hooligans have repeatedly desecrated statues commemorating American heritage right across from the White House, secure in the knowledge that their behavior is approved.

The Biden/Harris Regime is on the side of leftist rioters. Harris made this explicit during the Black Lives Matter riots by openly raising funds to bail them out of jail so they could get back to their mayhem — which they did.

For Democrats, riots and vandalism are politics by other means. Being the bad guys confers certain advantages, which they eagerly exploit.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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