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Oct 07 2022

They Are Coming for Your Children

“We’re coming for your children,” sing the LGBT crowd. They aren’t kidding. Their dominance of the education establishment makes it easy:

Amy Cannava, chair of the National Association Of School Psychologists’ (NASP) LGBTQI2-S Committee, participated in discussions on the internal message board for the Pride Liberation Project (PLP). The group’s “Resources For Outed Students” section advised “students who are facing familial rejection or need to leave their home for another reason” to “[r]each out to Amy (she/her) immediately. They work with Safe Space NOVA, are an adult, and can provide you with much more information. They are also confidential.”

The section went on to say that PLP could rehome students who did not like their parents, as well as pay them money and have an adult pick them up to take them to their new lives.

Grooming has progressed to kidnapping.

It also said the group could provide false documentation to hide children’s whereabouts while they participated in gay activities. “In the event of you needing to leave your home, we can provide you with emergency housing from a supportive, Queer friendly adult,” it said.

When sanity is restored, the fiends imposing the LGBT agenda on children will face justice.

In the meantime, a little background on Cannava:

When it comes to her own sexuality, she is pansexual, she said. “I identify as queer but I’m attracted to a very small but growing percentage of the population, and so more trans-masculine non-binary folx who may or may not like women… When I’m dating more trans-masculine people, one of the first things I ask or even when I go out with them is ‘how out are you and what are you out as?’ which is the same thing I ask my students.” …

In the “Out, Now What?” podcast, Cannava — whose Instagram page features anal condoms next to a logo saying “Protect Trans Kids” — said she was working with a state delegate “on a child protection bill that would make it illegal to not affirm.”

“Affirm” is Liberalese for attempting to transform someone into a member of the opposite sex.

People like this have positioned themselves to prey on vulnerable children:

NASP oversees the credentialing of school psychologists for many school districts, and Cannava has provided LGBTQ training that psychologists can use to meet their training requirements.

School psychologists are trained to convince troubled children that they are transsexual and need to undergo sexual mutilation so as to achieve happiness. A morally bankrupt medical establishment is only too happy to take it from there.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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  1. […] Moonbattery- Yes, they ARE coming for our children […]


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