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Dec 30 2022

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science Cancels Merit

For the lawns of our oligarchical collectivist rulers to be perfectly manicured, we must have equity, the principle according to which no blade of grass is permitted to grow taller than another. That is why destroying the concept of merit is a high priority among educrats:

Each year, millions of American high school students take the Preliminary SAT, a standardized test whose highest scorers are recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program (NMSP). Being awarded by the NMSP is one of the top academic awards available to American high school students. The achievement is a sought-after line item on college applications and is often accompanied by thousands of dollars in merit scholarships.

However, according to one parent and journalist, the top-ranked high school in the country has been neglecting to inform students that they have won NMSP recognition for years, resulting in over a thousand students being denied the opportunity to apply for crucial NMSP-specific college scholarships.

As reported by City Journal, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology’s director of student services Brandon Kosatka explains why notification of winners was suppressed:

“We want to recognize students for who they are as individuals, not focus on their achievements.”

Kosatka said educrats do not want to hurt the feelings of students who do not earn the award. That is, they do not want those who achieve less to compare themselves unfavorably to those who achieve more.

Most of the students affected are Asians, who in terms of scholastic achievement are even worse than Caucasians when it comes to making other groups look bad by comparison.

Acknowledging students’ achievements is ideologically incorrect, because it reinforces the notion that they can succeed through their own merit and effort, rather than relying on redistribution by egalitarian overlords. Abolishing America means abolishing merit and effort in favor of the sniveling victimhood that earns favored identity groups the fawning if condescending approval of our ruling class.

This story is part of a broad trend:

Around the country, school districts are nixing honors classes, getting rid of D and F grades, and making admission to academically rigorous magnet schools based on luck rather than skill. TJ itself was recently embroiled in a legal battle over changes to its admissions standards, which school board officials admitted were designed to decrease the number of Asian students at the school. Supporters claim such policies increase diversity—seemingly missing the obvious fact that such policies remove academic opportunities for talented students of all backgrounds.

As always, the truth is the opposite of what they tell us. The point is not to increase diversity but to erase it. There will be no diversity of achievement when utopia has been imposed.

On tips from Tlabia Majora, Mr. Freemarket, Lyle, and ABC of the ANC.


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