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Mar 14 2024

Turn in Microaggressors at Glasgow Sex Shop

Washington State isn’t alone. Scotland will also employ Stasi-like tactics by encouraging citizens to rat each other out for committing thoughtcrime:

The controversial Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act is due to take effect from April 1…

The date is suitable.

While it consolidated some existing hate crime laws, it created a new offence of stirring up hatred against protected characteristics, including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity.

In practice, that means citizens will be turned in for allegedly disapproving of Islamic colonization or sexual perversion.

One way to report a hate crime is through a third party reporting centre.

A list of these centres on Police Scotland’s website includes Luke and Jacks, a shop in Glasgow which describes itself as “Passionate Purveyors of Pleasure Products.”

Given that a main purpose of such laws is to establish sexual deviants as a superior class that it is literally illegal to offend, a sex shop is as appropriate as the April Fool’s Day launch date. Scotland is governed by fools on behalf of degenerates.

Even if Scotland’s rulers cannot be taken seriously, the tyranny is no joke:

Police Scotland has already said they will fully investigate each complaint and keep a record of “hate incidents” against people even if they not meet the criminal threshold.

These records will be used against the accused in ways that may never be known.

On a tip from Steve T.


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2 Responses to “Turn in Microaggressors at Glasgow Sex Shop”

  1. […] has taken the lead over Canada in the race to absolute tyranny with a new law making it illegal to offend members of favored groups like sexual deviants and nonwhites. Does this […]

  2. […] has taken the lead over Canada in the race to absolute tyranny with a new law making it illegal to offend members of favored groups like sexual deviants and nonwhites. Does this […]


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