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Oct 15 2021

Where Buttigieg Has Been While Supply Chain Collapsed

The supply chain crisis is out of control, threatening not only Christmas but our ability to acquire basic necessities, in addition to driving inflation even higher. Since Big Government is allegedly the solution to all problems, even if it is also the cause of them, let’s see what our federal Secretary of Transportation has been doing to keep the situation under control:

While U.S. ports faced anchor-to-anchor traffic and Congress nearly melted down over the president’s infrastructure bill in recent weeks, the usually omnipresent Transportation secretary was lying low.

So #WheresPete?

Buttigieg’s office told West Wing Playbook that the secretary has actually been on paid leave since mid-August to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies.

This makes perfect sense, considering that the former mediocre mayor of a small city’s sole qualification for his position is that he is deafeningly gay.

“For the first four weeks, he was mostly offline except for major agency decisions and matters that could not be delegated,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Transportation. “He has been ramping up activities since then.” As he does that, Buttigieg will “continue to take some time over the coming weeks to support his husband and take care of his new children,” the spokesperson added.

Buttigieg’s job isn’t to oversee transportation. He would have no clue how to go about it, other than to engage in phony green posturing by pretending to ride a bike to the office. His actual job is to advance Democrats’ social engineering agenda by posing for pictures like this:

Along with responsible governance, the fundamentals of biology have been canceled.

On a tip from Bluto.


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3 Responses to “Where Buttigieg Has Been While Supply Chain Collapsed”

  1. […] finally taken a break from canoodling with his husband to attend to the job we pay him for. After months on end of paternity leave (or was it maternity leave?), Buttigieg appeared on Chris Wallace’s show […]

  2. […] wonderful to see that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is finally done with his months-long maternity leave. Now at last he can address the supply chain crisis that has left store shelves looking as if we […]


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